I had a weird neighbor few years back, was convinced the gov't was spying on him. Would always comment about that bright star up there. Would say that wasn't a star at all, but a spy satellite directed at him because he knew something. He had 5 hasps and padlocks on his camper, three windows broken out and covered with cardboard and aluminum foil. Thoroughly convinced the FBI was spying on him through FB, and always wanting to know if I had seen anyone around his place cause he was missing "medication"......more like recreational pharmaceuticals. When those satellites became visible, he would go stand under trees or awnings so they couldn't see him. Was fun to tell him at that time they still knew where he was due to the phone he had and the chip they implanted in his head. Yes, he was convinced the gov't abducted him and put a chip in his head. We couldn't convince him to wear a tin foil hat, and that would block the chip from the satellites.