Think of an antenna like this. It has to be able to conduct electricity. Doesn't need to be wire, tubing, tape, or whatever as long as it's metal that conducts electricity fairly easily. It is desirable to have certain lengths for certain frequencies. Several ways of determining what that length is, one is by dividing 468 by the frequency in Mhz which will give you an approximate length in feet. That length is a half wave length, btw. Maybe a more useful number is 234, or half of that 468, which would make it a 1/4 of a wave length, one typical length for vertical antennas. That's the base way of getting the right length for an antenna. There are ways of shortening that length electrically, but that's the usual way of going about it.
You'll find that the lower the frequency the larger the antenna, not absolutely certain way of getting around that, it just 'is'.
So what you got that may be made into an antenna? How about a couple of window screens made of metal sort of close together? Or a rain gutter, a down spout, or maybe who knows what else? Got a bird house on a pole? How tall is the pole? Got plastic siding on your house? Tape a wire on it and paint the wire/tape? See where that can go with a little imagination?
No antenna 'hidden' like that is going to be an 'earth shaker' but it can be made to work adequately. Don't expect miracles. But who says you gotta have the bestest antenna anyway? Most of us don't (no matter what we say!).
An imagination can be a terrible thing! But it can also be a lot of fun...
- 'Doc