It happens to me all the time.Why would I be shouted at for being HAM?
It happens to me all the time.Why would I be shouted at for being HAM?
Are you using your call sign on CB?It happens to me all the time.
The spur I'm referring to is a small spur that shows up in the 10M band when the radio is put on a spectrum analyzer. It's caused by a poorly designed mixing scheme.
Here's a video on this issue.
I checked this for validity, and he's right on the button with it. I show a small spur on the 10M voice band. The radios I used were a Galaxy 99 and a Galaxy 95T.
Hope this helps.
Do you think the Uniden Multimode Export w/MC145106 PLL, PB010 chassis(Edit) The Superstar 360FM is the same basic board as the Galaxy 77/88/99. No bueno.
I purchased a Kenwood 440 for $200 in full working condition. Bought off of craigslist and requested the operator test it. Verified power output am, FM, SSB, CW, and FSK. I took along a Frequency Counter and checked if it was on frequency. All good.
All of that for less than the cost of an export CB. Does the Kenwood do CB band? I don't know and don't care if it doesn't. I run my Yaesu ft-857 and a cobra 19 when going on a trip. I learned to keep my microphones separated and to look at them before transmitting.
It happens to me all the time.
I don't have one. People wrongly assume that since my audio is so clean that I must be a ham operator.Are you using your call sign on CB?
Depends on who "tunes" it. Lots can be done to clean them up.ExitThirteen, Is an old 148 GTL-DX (MK1 or MK2) using (16MHz?I.F. 10.695/455) going to have the same issues as an RCI export? Circuit Board PB010 Vs EPT3600, the Uniden made export should be a clean rig in my eyes but I've never gotten one to check it out.
Do you think the Uniden Multimode Export w/MC145106 PLL, PB010 chassis
Cobra 148GTL-DX (late), President Richard, Superstar 360FM going to be as "spurious" as EPT3600 R.C.I. exports (DX66v 88HL)? If it is really the same "guts", I could see how that'd be.
Yep, that would be an invitation to get hog tied and branded.Be kinda like wearing slacks and wing tipped shoes to a rodeo.
I don't know, I would be willing to try it though!Is that the Kenwood which allows users to transmit over drive thru restaurants?
Please wait for exitthirteens answer.
I'm just spewing Koo Koo thoughts. Exitthirteen is someone with true knowledge.
That's why I'm a big advocate of running a real CB or an HF rig on 11M.
And how much would all that cost including the 148?
I could be wrong but if that's true one's degrading the rigs performance putting items inside a rig that wasn't built for them. You left out the fan/fans a dual final frequency counter a 148 would most likely need..
Even if I am incorrect, after the cost of mods, one could get an excellent t's 440.
Yes it's 30 years old but I see them recapped and aligned for what a modified export goes for.
Maybe cheaper.
I'm fairly sure you do all you own work and that's great but many of us can't. I'd take the t's 440 any day over an export.
Exports usually have bells and whistles I myself think are toys. Not to mention a waste of space extra heat devices.
TalkBack? Why is that even an option? Rodger beep. Another wast imo. It's all about preference Robb. And we obviously have different ones, and that's cool.
It makes the word a less boring place. 73
ROFLMFAO. Bleats on about bandpass filters like he's an authority and that a 10m export used on 11m will have spurs on 10m because of a lack of a bandpass filter, says to use HF rigs on 11m which won't have a bandpass filter for the 11m band. In fact only when you start to get to mid-high end amateur HF radios do you start to see band pass filters for the amateur bands and even then it may not be for every single band.