Sorry for the long delay in posting my written review but I was out of town for a while on business. Should be able to get something up this week.
Mostly though I can tell you it's pretty positive with just three negatives - tuning steps, oversensitive receive, and price.
Overall it's a solid radio but it definitely will be more appealing to the export user who prefers Galaxy 88 over a 2950DX for example.
I think the radio is very unique because it bridges the gap between a typical export model and the stability of the 2950DX that people desire. So many users love their Galaxy's/Connex and the echo, loud AM audio etc but they hate the drift and this radio solves that while adding some cool features and software programming.
For those of you here who are a bit more technical or do more 10 and 11 meter operation or more specific SSB operation I think something like a Optima, CRE 8900 or a converted Icom 718 etc might be closer to the mark. I fall into this realm and what we need to consider is that we are a bit of a minority in the larger CB community and the Stryker was meant to hit more of the mainstream export crowd. This radio wouldn't be my daily go-to radio for operation because of a the tuning step issue but for many people it's a slam dunk. The price may still be the one point that hinders it's success.
I will say that the SSB audio on this thing is awesome and it's one of the nicest sounding export radios on the air I've ever tested - I'll even say it sounded as good as some of my true ham radios on the air.
Anyway - review is in process, sorry for the long delay
Uniden 980 review is also in the works as well.