The frequency expansion is the same.
Without seeing a pic of the board, I can't tell you the hi and low carrier adjustments and the 2 modulation adjustments. However, from personal experience (a lot of it) I wouldn't touch the modulation pots in the new version (2015 to present). They are pretty much maxed out now. The carrier is set almost too high. I think it's around 9w high and 4 watts low. I definitely wouldn't go any higher. I normally turn the high down 1 watt less and that also adjusts the low to 3 watts. But, it's not essential. Also, spreading coils does nothing, despite directions I've seen.
Without seeing a pic of the board, I can't tell you the hi and low carrier adjustments and the 2 modulation adjustments. However, from personal experience (a lot of it) I wouldn't touch the modulation pots in the new version (2015 to present). They are pretty much maxed out now. The carrier is set almost too high. I think it's around 9w high and 4 watts low. I definitely wouldn't go any higher. I normally turn the high down 1 watt less and that also adjusts the low to 3 watts. But, it's not essential. Also, spreading coils does nothing, despite directions I've seen.