Hmmm.. Anytime I have made a dipole antenna I had to do lots of adjusting the length till I got the SWR down. If you tried it in 11M and it was ok like 1.3:1, but on 10M it was 3+:1 then you need to shorten it till it reads good on 10M if you are going to be using it on 10M.
I like the idea of making homemade antennas, wire or whatever, I recently got the ARRL Wire antenna classics book volume 1 and gonna do lots of experimenting. I got my General Class license a year ago and have barely used it, LOL, but have been into 11M since 1992, so I have built a few wire antennas, dipoles, quads, V's, and even homemade groundplanes. If you are itching to get to talking on 10M, I have used in the past and currently A99, Imax2000, and Maco V5/8 all are widebanded enough to give you 11M and 10M coverage without bad SWR. I think the Maco may be on the edge though, if I remember right.... However I currently use an Imax 2000 and the SWR is great all through 11M-10M, and in the past when I tried an A99 just because someone sold it to me for $20 so I said WTH why not and bought it, it also worked good on 11M and 10M. Imax 2000 with GPK is an investment, at least $150 shipped if I recall correctly, the A99 is a bargain at only $40 or so I think, but if you want the GPK kit with the A99 (highly recommended) then for that amount of $$$ I would say just get the Maco V5/8 will be about the same cost as A99 with GPK and should outperform and certainly will outlast the A99.... I just bought the Imax 2000 just to try it out, and so far happy with it, but I know it will either get struck by lightening soon or just start falling apart from wind/sun/rain, as it does wobble like a spaggetti noodle in the wind so it's doomed to come apart sooner or later, when it does, if I want another GroundPlane Antenna that is not homemade, I will get the Maco V5/8 again. I had one for 10+ years and it was a great all around antenna.