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Swine Flu Paranoia

Technically he's right.

From the link below: "Why is 2009 H1N1 virus sometimes called “swine flu”?
This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and bird (avian) genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus."

CDC H1N1 Flu | H1N1 Flu and You
Actually no.

It is genetics.

True. Notice how at first it was called Swine Flu and after further research the WHO started calling for an end of the term Swine Flu when refering to it and asked that it be called H1N1 instead? And NO, it was not because of a lobby by the pork farmers and marketing agents. That came after the WHO's decision about the H1N1 name.
You could also get ran over by a bus.

That is not my meaning. What I am saying is that there is enough differences genetically. That getting one, does not mean you have immunity from the others.

But since we are on the bus scenario, you do look both ways before crossing the street? So pay attention to your surrounding when it comes to the flu.

Wash your hands on a regular basis.

Have the necessary stuff at home to stay at home for a week or more if you do get sick (or if everyone else in the community gets sick you don't HAVE TO go out).

Maybe get a flu shot if you are inclined, or in a high risk group. (I have not made a decision on the flu shots for myself. There are several good reasons to get the shot and several good reasons not to get the shot.)

If you get sick, stay at home an extra day after feeling better so you don't spread it around. And if you get sick and are not getting any better, see a doctor.
I was going to a delivery this AM and saw a guy pulled on the shoulder with 2 kids standing outside the car horking.lol, no really I felt bad for the kids.

Too bad most strains of flu are air borne(how do you think the hogs got it? by not washing their hands?) so by washing your hands you infect yourself with clean hands.
dammit I think I have the flu

that crap has been going around where I live but according to the news it's a pretty mild version of it, 3 days max
I was going to a delivery this AM and saw a guy pulled on the shoulder with 2 kids standing outside the car horking.lol, no really I felt bad for the kids.

Too bad most strains of flu are air borne(how do you think the hogs got it? by not washing their hands?) so by washing your hands you infect yourself with clean hands.

According to the Gov. briefing I attended, flu is usually transferred by contact with the virus. The virus can live on surfaces for a considerable time.
1. I sneeze cough into my hands. Then type on your keyboard. You type on your keyboard. Then you wipe your eyes.

2. It can also be airborn, but I need to be with in a few feet of you as you cough.
Situation 1, can be avoided by washing your hands.
Situation 2, is a little more difficult to avoid.

Then again, if you live like a pig....
dammit I think I have the flu

that crap has been going around where I live but according to the news it's a pretty mild version of it, 3 days max

Hope you get well soon.

BTW, who is the guy in your avatar?
3 days? I think I had it too. mild fever-like symptoms, woozy stomach, headache with a pinch of dizzy, dry cough. Now I have some leftover sticky.
According to the Gov. briefing I attended, flu is usually transferred by contact with the virus. The virus can live on surfaces for a considerable time.
1. I sneeze cough into my hands. Then type on your keyboard. You type on your keyboard. Then you wipe your eyes.

2. It can also be airborn, but I need to be with in a few feet of you as you cough.
Situation 1, can be avoided by washing your hands.
Situation 2, is a little more difficult to avoid.

Then again, if you live like a pig....
Purely airborne.

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