if a cb is causing disturbance the operator is at fault, if a ham radio causes distrubance its the recivers responcability but the ham must take steps to reduce the disturbance.
they cant get tickets by cops as they are not goeverned by the police as cb's are. they cross state lines and therefore are federal juristiction.
cool let us how ya do
'Swing' is sort of the uninformed way of saying percentages of modulation. And, since "more is always better" to those who don't really understand what modulation is and why it's done, the more 'swing' the more better. I mean, if that needle 'swings' further then it's gotta be stronger, right? Right?
Yeah, I know, I know. But how do you convince someone that what they 'know' isn't the way it really is? Don't bother, it's a waste of time...
- 'Doc