I had some odd noise in my recieve like a varying recieve volume so I made the drive to a recommended shop and had him look at my 980ssb. He found a cold solder point and while there I had him tune my radio to my TS 250..He used a bird meter a tone generator and a scope and showed 2.5 watt DK swinging 9 and 10 watts on SSB..After tuning it showed 1.5 swinging to about 9 and 13 on SSB. My SWR was 1.3 on 1 and 1.4 on 40 but after tune I'm at 1.7 on 1 and 2.4 on 40...tried adjusting antenna with it directly to radio and can't get better than 1.9 on each end and 1.6 on 20! Using meter in radio (it's all I have). Using diagnostics it says antenna is O.K. but I'm terrified of burning up my radio not to mention the thought of even using my amp..Did the radio shop tune or not tune something right? I'm using a Wilson 1000 antenna. Thanks.