I still have a post that was removed on my phone and wow, just wow. Its like he wanted to be banned or something.
And just an FYI, I said what I said about half wavelength multiples used between the radio and the antenna because I have seen this cause problems. In one specific case I have seen a setup that burns up the radio's final stage transistors every three to five months, no one who looked at it could explain why. I simply put a snap on ferrite bead about nine feet up the cable and the apparent near perfect SWR match went sky high. After correcting the problem with a ferrite based choke and re-tuning the antenna, the problem disappeared. I have seen other problems as well. Its not that electrical half wavelength multiples of coax are bad, its that it can hide problems that can cause expensive equipment malfunctions later, malfunctions that are often hard to explain.
As I said above, their are legitimate uses for such a length of feed line, but even then these uses have their flaws, flaws that most people ignore if they even know about them to begin with.
The DB