So i spent the afternoon helping a friend put up a NOS Radio Shack 1/2wave antenna, Now it was put together as the instructions were printed.
However when it was put up using a MFJ antenna analyzer it was way off. The antenna needed to be shortened, As the each piece of the vertical
slip into each other with pre drilled holes for the screws there really is no way to shorten the overall height. So i said to try to remove the 3 parts that
make up the odd looking top hat and was able to get the SWR down to 1.3 across the band. Has anyone ever come across this before? I remember
putting up one of those antennas in 1976 but it went up easy peasy with the top hat on. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you
However when it was put up using a MFJ antenna analyzer it was way off. The antenna needed to be shortened, As the each piece of the vertical
slip into each other with pre drilled holes for the screws there really is no way to shorten the overall height. So i said to try to remove the 3 parts that
make up the odd looking top hat and was able to get the SWR down to 1.3 across the band. Has anyone ever come across this before? I remember
putting up one of those antennas in 1976 but it went up easy peasy with the top hat on. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you