Sounds like it is working well! It takes about 6 ft. of extra coax to make 7 turns if you were considering doing that so 9 ft. should be just fine.I was going to but I tried the beads and they worked so I stopped at that. Monday I have some time and I am going to put in a longer coax between my amp and radio, 9ft. lone at this time it is 2 ft. long, then I will check everything....but I will remove the beads and try the coil at some point in the re workings....Right now its rocken...If I can get it better I will.
Here is my mobile setup. If you look a little off to the right below the antenna base, you can see the coax coil with 3/4 in. ferrite bead with the skinny side facing you.
This is primarily for CMC suppression since I already have a UNUN transformer matching network at the antenna feed point. That's the box you kind of can see mounted further to the right.