Thank you marconi, I was surprised to see it set as well as it did.
It looks good to me too, even though it is not is close.
Just remember you are using a feed line which can create a whole new set of worms according to what many claim is a very similar setup to yours, but they report a totally different and sometimes terrible results.
I have asked myself this question for years...
how does this happen?
When I build an Eznec model of my 1/4 wave Marconi 4x and a 102" whip and a 3 x 102" radials, a suitable ground plane attached that looks like a starduster,
I see the following PDF kind of setup below:
It is noted in the PDF what this SWR bandwidth curve looks like at the end of a 68.5' run of .76 VF RG8U coax. My SWR meter, noted on the report, shows a low 1.10:1 SWR...just a little bit above 0 on the meter, but this is not a mobile setup.
However, if I had done this test using my VA1 at the feed point, I would expect maybe my match still might not show perfect, but through the feed line it is as good as it gets. So feed line and its length matters...when we talk about being perfect. Notice the very good bandwidth too.
309 to me, having a perfect match is about like what you see on your setup, and I say you are good to go.