Well now we know. If your are not running the latest and greatest, NSA back-door enabled software, users be damned. Poor approach to take when planning an upgrade on something that worked. Every other website that I visit I do not come into as many problems as I run into here. There's almost as much javascript running here as on CNN.
Really? That's your attitude? There is less than 10% usage worldwide of IE8: http://theie8countdown.com/ I don't even want to guess how much usage is with that ancient firefox version...probably less than 1%. A single person site owner cannot be expected to make their site both functional and usable for outdated, practically unused browsers while also meeting the demands of the modern internet.
If you don't keep things fresh on the internet, your site dies. If you keep catering to every ancient browser and PC, pretty soon the only people that visit your site are...well...ancient. This type of attitude sounds like the typical old fart ham attitude that is also responsible for trying to kill off this hobby.
If if you're also saying that this site is comparable to CNN, which has millions of dollars for budget, then I'm pretty proud of the work here.
Noone is forcing you to use this site. The new site design has not hurt traffic one bit. Within days of the relaunch, the site traffic statistics are the same as they were before; despite a few people telling me that everything was a disaster. Plus, the search engines have responded unbelievably favorably, well beyond my expectations, resulting in a dramatic increase of our pages and threads showing up in relevant searches.
I realize it's a big change for some people. The internet is all about change. Things change. I mean who knows what's next? Maybe the FCC will drop all CW requirements from ham radio? That's such a big change that it might make a few old fart ham's heads explode!