And contrary to popular belief, that fee is determined by the VEC (ARRL/W5YI/etc) organization, not the VECs giving the test. Those VEs are allowed to keep very little of that fee, usually enough to cover typical postage and copying fees. Considering the amount of paperwork envolved (real live paper, not electronic stuff), that 'volunteer' part of the name is really true. Couldn't tell you exactly how much that amounts to but usually a dollar or two per examinee. The local VEs used to have slightly more control over things, such as, if a person passed one element there wouldn't be an additional fee if they wanted to try the next element. That's changed recently. If there's a CSCE issued, there's a fee. Pass two or more elements, two or more fees. If there is no CSCE issued, the local group can sort of not charge at all, a sort of "What test?" thingy. that's really the only 'lee-way' the local VEs have. Don't count on that though, just depends on the number of applicants etc. If the paper work has to be done, then there will typically be a fee, which goes to the VEC (ARRL, W5YI, etc.). Nothing secret about it, everyone knows it's done, it's the paper work part that costs. Last year, I think the colacl club made almost $50, give or take a few. Almost enough to pay for the coffee consumed during meetings and testing sessions! You still hear about that "fat envelope" thingy you're supposed to pass to the examiner, but Oooo don't do that if you want a license! It's still a joke. Sure, you hear about it happening, but you also hear about that VEC group getting caught. You don't hear about what happens to them because of that 'under the table' thingy. It ain't 'purty'.
- 'Doc