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Technician class license


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2022
Northeast Wisconsin
I have finally started down the path of attempting to attain the Technician class license. I'm hoping to be able to find (purchase or free, as long as it's good) a comprehensive but clear study guide that I can access on my tablet. One with lots of good scenarios, the correct solution to the scenario and why it is the correct solution. Or I can try to get the entire pool of questions and answers, memorize them, and see what happens on the exam. Honestly, I expect it will be a combination of the two. Then maybe a ways down the line I hope to have learned enough to try for General. I think Extra may be a bridge far at this time in my life. But never say never. I do have some experience with electronics, wiring, some theory. It's just a matter of trying to retrieve it from the dusty corners of my memory. And then learn the 95 percent I've never heard of before.

Hello there. I just got my Tech back in April and I started studying in January. Here is a link to the study guide I bought. Then go to arrl.org and find the practice test section. You will need to create a free account but then you can take as many tests as you want I took 30 tests in two months as well as reviewed the book. On test day I got 34 out of 35 questions right. You should have no trouble. The book below has every question and it only shows you the correct answer. Trust me when you study this book and then take a practice test the correct answer jumps out at you.

I have finally started down the path of attempting to attain the Technician class license. I'm hoping to be able to find (purchase or free, as long as it's good) a comprehensive but clear study guide that I can access on my tablet. One with lots of good scenarios, the correct solution to the scenario and why it is the correct solution. Or I can try to get the entire pool of questions and answers, memorize them, and see what happens on the exam. Honestly, I expect it will be a combination of the two. Then maybe a ways down the line I hope to have learned enough to try for General. I think Extra may be a bridge far at this time in my life. But never say never. I do have some experience with electronics, wiring, some theory. It's just a matter of trying to retrieve it from the dusty corners of my memory. And then learn the 95 percent I've never heard of before.
hamstudy.org ...... just what you may be looking for
hamexam.org ...... practice test formatted just like the official test
That's the way I went for both Technician and General. Used ARRL study guides and took the practice exams on the ARRL website (registration and use of the practice exams is no charge, no membership required). Not particularly an ARRL fan, but the practice made the exams a breeze. The exams are not anywhere near as daunting as they may seem when you read the books. It's only 25 questions.

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I would highly suggest that you prepare to take the Technician class and General class exams at the same testing session......
It may seem like it's too much at one time, but when you get into the studying and practicing taking the test, you will probably find the Technician test relatively easy, with the General test not much more difficult.......
Study the questions & answers (with explanations) on the hamstudy.org site. Over and over, going thru each section.........
Take the practice exams on the hamexam.org site over and over. Because the practice tests are formatted the same as on the actual test......
When you can continually score 88% to 100% on every practice test you take, you are ready for the real thing.......
For me, I always thought it would be much, much harder than it actually was.
DO the TECHNICIAN and GENERAL testing at the same test session. You WILL be very glad that you did....... It only seems intimidating, but it's not .......
70% correct answers is a passing grade on each test........ I am an EXTRA class...
And my wife is also an EXTRA class ......
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I appreciate the advice. I've already started reading the technician materials and was pleased to see that I already knew some of it, but there's also a lot I don't. I'm looking forward to learning it.
You'll find that you know, or are familiar, with more of the subject material than you think you are.....
Good luck..... Amatuer radio is quite enjoyable...... I'm a rag chewer, don't do digital at all because I don't care to use my radio with a computer.... I want to talk or tap the CW keyer.....

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