Unless you have a tech with a scope, power supplies to power it, and a spectrum analyzer, and KNOWS HOW TO USE IT, then leave it alone. Guys changing all the fixed capacitors to trimmers in attempt to get more power out of it will ruin the amplifier. Not a lot of amp builders understand the texas star designs anyways, because of the way they route the B+ to the bias supply along the same route the RF takes, and other little interesting differences between the design and typical CB amplifiers.
Can I ask...what are you trying to do? Just drive it with 70 or so watts PEAK, and give it a good voltage / current source, maybe order a fan kit for it if it doesn't have one, and leave it alone.
If you really want to, the bias circuit can be re-worked, as of right now, it is a voltage divider design, and depending on drive, and voltage source, it can, just like a lot of CB amplifiers actually change class of operation during use. (AB, B, C)