The main thing with all the amps you have listed is exactly what you said in your last post Grogan. Don't overdrive them.
And from an amp tech that is very reliable, I've been told the bias scheme for both the Texas Star amps and the TNT amps were basically the same circuit design. I have an older TNT 600hd with Toshiba 2879's, which Xforce will install if you want to pay out the arse, but my amp has never had an issue and puts out what it says on it (600 watts) on SSB and it does a well on AM too.
I also own one of the Magnaforce 350hd amps and it a great little 2 transistor amp!!! I have made contacts all across the world with it while using it mobile. It really did the job well and never got hot or gave me any real issues.
I have not owned a Texas Star amp ever before so I can't truly speak on the quality or how well they work, but they are a class B bias amp, not an AB biased amp from what I have been told. So overdrive it and it will become a class C amp, just like the TNT amps as they don't have thermal tracking bias. Keeping them cool is key to keeping them working right. Also having a good antenna system and a good match is another thing. Keep the input low and let the aamp cruise along. No one will notice the extra watts anyways. And as far as the RM Italy amp, IDK enough about them to give an honest opinion. But I will say the TNT 350hd is not a bad amp. It's truly a matter of opinion to me. But I am not an amp tech or builder, but I do know clean in equals clean out. Also as for matching the amp to the radio or vice versa, you want a good impedance match and also keep the VSWR from changing as little as possible. This will not be as well done with a premade bought amp as one that has been built by just one person and has had the input/output tuned right and such. Just some food for thought.
You might want to ask around the forum here and see if there is someone here that can build you an amp. I know there are couple of guys here that do that, but they don't advertise it like a big company. You could then have a true thermally tracking class AB amp that would be very clean and not require much drive to make it work. Again, just some food for thought. Sorry for the text wall. I hope some of this info might help you decide what to do.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
73 and God Bless from
222 Daytona Bch., FL