skipshooter205 said:
I never hear anyone on 10 meter anyway why not open it up for the SSB and FM I hear that the FCC is upgrading and opening up the freqs? with a simple test? this would increase revenue for sure< i guess for now all we can do is sit back and wait :?
(Sigh) We've talked about this before.
1. The reason you don't hear people on the lower portion of 10 Meters (28.000 thru 28.300) is because it is reserved for Morse and digital modes such as RTTY and Pactor. Phone is not allowed on that part of the band. Period.
2. FCC does NOT control 10 Meters. It is an INTERNATIONAL allocation governed by treaty and the USA has signed those treaties. A world organization called International Telecommunications Union (ITU) meets periodically to decide any changes that need to made to answer new needs. It is that agency that decided that Morse was not required internationally for access to HF. Each country was then allowed to individually decide if they wanted to retain or drop Morse. That is why the US's FCC is proposing to drop morse code.
3. Therefore, FCC hasn't the authority to "open up" a treaty-governed allocation.
4. We can forget about 10 Meters being "opened up" for the masses to stampede into!
And they wouldn't-even if they had the authority. HUH?
I, and plenty of other people, have dealings with FCC. When you get to know/talk to these guys, here's their take on the subject:
Past FCC adminstrations made huge mistakes with regards to CB radio. One was that they thought email, I.M., and cellphones would serve the needs of the public and make CB radio obsolete. They REALLY thought that, HONEST! Instead of
just dying away like bellbottom pants, it grew--not in numbers, but in LAWLESSNESS! The feds didn't reckon on the diehard CBers going in for "extree channels", big watts, and "export"
radios, nor did they think they would DARE invade other bands (channels). So they lay down for a long winter's nap. After all,
Congress in the '80's was into downsizing and FCC was no exception. Why, they didn't NEED that money for enforcement because personal computers and cellphones were set to take over. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! SNORT! ZZZZZZZ!
"Hello?" "Mr FCC man?"
"Them CBers are talkin' on 27.555".
"You woke me up for THAT?"
By 1998, things were REALLY out of hand, and the complainants wouldn't let FCC sleep, so they appointed Riley Hollingsworth as Special Counsel for Amateur Enforcement because the Amateur bands were becoming an embarrassment to many hams AND the nation as a whole.
And something else was happening, too. The market was wide open. All regulations regarding radio were being ignored and broken. And hams began to hear truck drivers interupting their
Morse and RTTY QSO's. And the drivers were yelling, "GIT OFF THIS HERE CHANNEL, THIS IS FER US TRUCKERS---SQUEEEEEK!" Companies and individuals were being sent warning letters to STOP intruding onto the 10 Meter band without license. And it has worked up to a point, but not enough to keep FCC from going after dealers and individuals that get caught on the bands. So we now have this proposed
new regulation to squelch the use of "export" radios on the horizon.
The bottom line is still this: we have *40* channels at 4 watts and we are to use FCC approved equipment with no changes, additions, modifications. Period. There ARE additional "channels" (as the public calls them) available--millions of them, in fact if you are willing to study and learn how to prevent interference and how to operate a successful station without cause grief for your neighbors. It is still called the Amateur Radio license. It, too, has regulations but they are liberal and designed to facilitate and enhance the use of radio for dedicated hobbiests. THAT is how to obtain "extree" channels and operate power responsibly. Anyone with a modicum of intellegence can obtain this privilege.
Being "elitist" as some try to call it has NOTHING whatever to do with it. It has to do with being dedicated enough not only to LIKE radio, but to be willing to LEARN how to use it correctly, how to use it responsibly, how to use it with consideration for how one's own operation may harm someone else. CB radio is the exact opposite from this simply because it makes no provision for learning and makes interference to other users a badge of "courage" if the guys can "stomp mudducks".
Finally, when I read about how *we* are sitting around "waiting for something" to be handed out like a welfare check, I can't help imagining a row of buzzards sitting on a powerline waiting for something to die!
Waiting for something to be given, not earned. Are we THAT lazy in society these days? MY STARS, the license is easy enough as it IS!! Next thing you know, they'll be putting licenses in crackjack boxes!!! (sorry, but that's the way I feel).
Yes, things will change. But it will not be THAT easy or simple as the "buzzards" THINK. You will NOT get automatic access to HF! :shock: You will NOT get automatic upgrades. You will NOT be "grandfathered" in! You WILL take the theory tests and you WILL know (to get beyond General) the "Q" of a circuit. You WILL know what M U F is! It will help some people, hurt others.
We'll just have to see how it plays out.