Twitter, Facebook and the rest are where the moral cowards congregate.
Licensure means they’ve Big Daddy’s approval. Permission.
Understand that and the conundrum explains itself.
The panic over CV19 proves the above: Are there devices which allow for contact at a distance?
1). Yeah, obviously
2). Would you expect “licensed techs” to put these skills on display: a HAM swap meet, or local community where people need a venue to trade goods?
How could radio function as the substitute for close contact?
3). What radios (surmised) are Americans most likely to already own?
Given the above: what prototype or model involving people and radios could be made to work?
“Hey, boys, lets start with HAMfest where it’s just us . . . see what we can do!” (What a laugh).
This is as plain as the nose on your face: Citizens Band is no affair of those who really aren’t citizens of this nation except in name. Require toilet paper with instructions on every sheet.
Their ministers haven’t charged them with a response.
Their local government hasn’t called for volunteers to get to work
Their institutes of higher learning don’t have professors of humanities and electrical engineering in conference.
Gee, everyone else is sitting on their ass, why shouldn’t we?
The fragile, high expense, high equipment-replacement Cell & Internet infrastructure goes down were there actually a threat of epidemic.
Look at it thru this lense. Clears things right up.
Tell yourself (IMO) that licensure rightfully means family & friends can call upon you (more than verbal advice), but one also has neighbors never met . . . and in need. Hobby today, desired skill tomorrow.
Riverman has a thread started (RAOK) to address this. Even if not from the harsh way I’ve put the problem. Put this with that.
RADIO is a tool.
What is it’s purpose?