After doing a little study I found several TA7222APcomponent variations between the slightly different Cobra 25 models, not only the 25LTD in question, but also the GTL and sound tracker versions. I stopped looking at the 29LTD YD1022 vs. the 29LTD TA7222AP info and schematics entirely. It started to get way too confusing, mainly because the part numbers and layout is a little different than a 25LTD. I’m only focusing on two things at this point, the print side of the YD1022 board and the schematic of a TA7222AP 25LTD. I can easily see there’s more to it than just changing around components and values. Some circuit traces need to be cut near the chip and rerouted. Others may approach it differently. I would start by removing the YD1022 and all associated components that surround it. Mount the TA722AP and a continuity check afterwards to make sure the heat sink portion isn’t making contact with the chassis. I would then focus on one pin at a time starting from the chip end, but also consider that same pins final destination. All the components and connections associated with that pin in accordance with the schematic should be mounted between those two points within the shortest possible distance. I’m not concerned about following board part number locations. The print side traces will need to be somewhat changed anyway. In other words be prepared to also make small jumpers and print cuts in a few places. Pins 3, 7, 8 are grounded and pin 2 is not connected to anything in the 25LTD TA7222AP version, so at least that will make the transition a little easier.
I also noticed another common component that's often associated with this chip. A .01 bypass capacitor is placed between the chips heat sink and chassis ground (not common board ground). For that you will need a small ring terminal with a star washer placed behind the chips mounting nut. Chassis connections are a pain unless you have a gun or a high wattage iron. You may get by without this cap, but its purpose is to solve possible squealing issues.