“Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.”
Yes sir. Due process not mob rules. My great grandfather was sold as a slave, jumped ship, and went through the proper channels to legally become a citizen. Yes, there were white slaves, the Irish clans sold each other off. Servitude was probably the term used. I can understand how one wants to come here. But do it legally. Be vetted.Wow. We used to have Ellis Island as a stopover to prevent outbreaks of Cholera amongst others.
I also remember we used to put out the "Welcome Mat" - had we not, Albert Einstein may not have felt welcome here and someone else may have benefited from his contribution to society.
So the above is also a reminder to the rest of us not to look down our noses, but to remember what we are for.
So I'm for Due process, to simply let others in the back door while others ring the front doorbell and wait their turn is not really a due process.
If that helps to clarify....
Please clarify or elaborate so we can get your input translated correctly.This board needs a thumbs down button
Hmmm......that's one of the predecessors to the problem today. It was written to appease with no emphasis to enforce. Really looks good on paper doesn't it, sure didn't pass the first time and only after compromise with some "pork bill stuffing". Nope that didn't work.Or just enforce the existing Simpson-Mazzoli act passed in 1986.
Described in more detail here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act
Even simpler.
.... So I'm for Due process, to simply let others in the back door while others ring the front doorbell and wait their turn is not really a due process. ....
... edit... go out and paint all the trees purple.
What is the reason for the requirement to mark the property boundary? I have never seen this before.Tx isn't the only state to have that law.
All my boundary trees/posts/ect have the required purple stripe.