Okay I have been at my wits end with this antenna. I am sure it has been my install, but things definitely didn't go as planned.
I want to make it clear right now that the adjustment for this antenna and the Antron 99-A and other antennas have a major flaw. Tower height, coax length, and grounding.
I can't believe the hell I went through in the last week trying to narrow down these things. I installed a 6' ground rod, all seemed fine and didn't change things, until I realized I had two SWR meters reading different measurements at different frequencies.
This is where hell begins with antennas and I got real pissed. First I thought it was one of my SWR meters malfunctioning, but then I tested my radios built in SWR meter, it was also giving a completely different value than the other two. This was over about a 80' run of coax up 20' of tower.
I learned something valuable that I hope is heard loud and clear when it comes to these end fed antennas, DO NOT USE a wavelength of pole or tower to mount to. You really want a half-wave of height or multiple. I made a mistake and went for 20' (2' of which buried in ground), close to 18' and I could not get this damn antenna to work right. I added some coax and pushed it up 25-30 feet, it works now, the original instructions work! Height makes it work better.
Why this is remains a mystery to me given it's out in the open. All I know is I am happy the antennas element length is correct to instructions now, rather than having to shorten it by almost 6+ inches. I also coiled some coax at the base of the antenna, helped some with RFI.
I will spare everyone with the hell I went through trying to make coiled chokes and such. It's been a full day of fuckery. Just glad it works!
Thank you all for the help. If it weren't for the info in this thread I would still be lost. I'll return the favor with my knowledge when threads come up I can answer