I am wanting to setup a receiver station, I was wanting to get a few SDR setup... looking to keep it cheap... ideas?
I am wanting to setup a receiver station, I was wanting to get a few SDR setup... looking to keep it cheap... ideas?
That is a great set up.Works with out a hitch for me.Here is my input on your question. I owned one of the Flex SDR rigs and while it did have a nice receive and did everything one would want I missed the knobs, bells and whistles. I traded it for a Drake C-line. I then decided I would go with a real radio/SDR setup, that being a Yaseu FT-950 and the $50.00 USB dongle that allows full SDR coverable. Now I can turns the knobs till the cows come home and still stare at the monitor watching the signals till I nearly go blind.
Well, it's been a long time since I posted about this! I actually tried a Soft66RTL2, and it worked ok. I ended up deciding to buy a SDRPlay, mainly because it has filtering, 8 mHz of bandwidth, 12 bit processing, and only costs 150 bucks. I plan on running it with SDR-Console, which is a pretty impressive software package. It is written by the same Simon Brown that wrote Ham Radio Deluxe, so I know it's got to be good. And the software is free at this time, so I'm going to roll with that. I found another FTDX-3000 user that has his SDRPlay hooked up to the RX out (rather than the IF out) and says it works great as a panadapter. I should receive the SDRPlay by the end of the week. Hopefully I'll have time to play with it and get it set up correctly.
I wanted to add that I got mine from http://mypanadapter.com/ for about $70.00. It came with the cable a cd with instructions for my particular rig (FT-950) and there are videos on fine tuning. The guy has great support. I am not in any way affiliated, just a happy customer.
So far I've been OK with the R820T + RTL2832U
Interesting comments here:
Particularly, "You can Google for several video’s made by Leif Asbrink on Youtube who has made a series of benchmarks wich points out the not so decent dynamic range of the SDRplay."