Center fed dipole fed with Ladder line to 4:1 and use autotuner on radio
That's only going to work on certain bands with the right antenna and feedline length.
No one ever wants to do this because you can't buy it from mfj but make your own tuner. Roll some heavy gauge solid wire around a round form like PVC to make 2 identical coils. Then find a variable capacitor. Get yourself some clip leads and zip tie it to a piece of wood. This tuner will work better with ladder line fed antennas than most store bought tuners and doesn't cost much.
Don't have room for a full size doublet? No problem. Build it out of 1/4 copper tubing, use havy gauge wire for the ladder line and antenna. Move the tuning capacitor to the input side of the coils to match a low impedance load.
Also notice that no balun is being used outside of it's design impedance the balun is on the input side where it's always around 50 ohms.