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This guy must be smokin' some stuff....

Not defending by any means but I believe you guys are behind the times when it comes to the bay. This has been going on since about 2020 as we've discussed this to no end in many other threads. With the ridiculous seller fees web taxes and many there using the crutch of inflation, ridiculous prices is what you find there anymore.
Not defending by any means but I believe you guys are behind the times when it comes to the bay. This has been going on since about 2020 as we've discussed this to no end in many other threads. With the ridiculous seller fees web taxes and many there using the crutch of inflation, ridiculous prices is what you find there anymore.
Yes it's really too bad. 10-15 years ago you could find some great deals on most anything radio related on e-bay.
They are worth what ever you can get someone to pay for them that is "fair market price" by definition.

If he is willing to sit on them long enough and pay listing fews he will eventualy get a lot more for them than he really should. That said there is that guy from Canada on Ebay something Hawk I thing that sells $149 to $249 radio's from the 1980's to 1990's for $600 and then has the nerve to charge $115+ for shipping from Canada! I think you would have to be a sucker to pay that!
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    Hey guys I been out a while
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    ARRL paid ransom for their files back from s hack attack? Todays Amateur thread Reddit
  • @ Naysayer:
    In middle of an antenna job. Misplaced paperwork on purchased balun. It's a 1:1 current balun for a dipole that I disconnected a while ago. I purchased the balun from Canadian company where one input connection has a Red Dot. That for the center of coax, right?