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This is a sign you might be OLD!

A knee specialist I went to got me taking Glucosamine, Chondroitin, & MSM for the joints and after following the directions for 3 days I started to notice the knee pain was subsiding and I was starting to walk like a man again. It is suppose to help your body repair or build cartilage and make joint lubricant. It's worth a shot.

I call mind over matter. I know a few people taking those exact things. My wife is and I tried them as well. Those meds take a month before you even start to notice any differences. Three days is NOTHING. Either way if it makes you feel better that's great. My knee was so bad I had a scope one time to clean it up. Doc ended up completely removing the medial meniscus (inside part of the knee) as it had completely exploded into may parts. I had chronic bone-on-bone wear and NO meds helped. Even the dilaudid was not working for pain relief other than to kick my ass with side effects. Eleven monthjs later I had follow up X-rays and the knee was in worse shape then than before the scope procedure. It had advanced that fast. No choice left but a full replacement and that has worked out very well for me. You mentioned joint lubricant aka synovial fluid. My knee was so bad my body thought it needed lubrication and kept producing it. Every 4-6 weeks I would have to go have it drained. Doc would get an average of 100ml each time. Normal knee joint has 5ml. It was causing pressure on the nerves and causing me extreme pain.
I call mind over matter. I know a few people taking those exact things. My wife is and I tried them as well. Those meds take a month before you even start to notice any differences. Three days is NOTHING.
Everybody system is a little different and the instruction said after 30 days I could cut back to 1 tablet a day if my body would tolerate it. I was I think 50 YO and could hardly walk and limped like I was a 80 YO. The Med kept me walking for years until I blew out my opposite knee and had the surgeon repair that knee. After last winters storms it took me 7 months to start walking normal again because of a small bakers cist. The VA surgeon told me I could start taking those meds again. I've slowly learned to start setting down and resting more. Boy Oh Boy a old guy can't have fun anyhow ! LOL
I tried CBD gelcaps a few years ago. Took them for 4 months, figured that was adequate time, but they didn't help me. Everytime that I burped it tasted like the devils lettuce.......
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Anyone tried using this? A guy I work with has arthritis In his knees and swears this stuff works. I have used products for horses in the past and they did seem to work, but I was younger and less beat up.
I remembered him telling me about it because both shoulders are killing me tonight, I've got enough Tiger Balm on right now to kill a horse! So tomorrow him off to Tractor Supply to pick some up. At this point I'd rub cow crap on my shoulders if I thought it would help.
You kids are all the same I was born in 1948 , what have you got? I had it . Two artificial hips both need replacing again , L3 L4 fused in my back I need new eyeglasses Oh and I had a a heart attack the widowmaker DOA I was gone for 4 mins . In this world you have to be tough to make it , I,m going to put my beams up soon life go,s on with you or it passes you by.
You kids are all the same I was born in 1948 , what have you got? I had it . Two artificial hips both need replacing again , L3 L4 fused in my back I need new eyeglasses Oh and I had a a heart attack the widowmaker DOA I was gone for 4 mins . In this world you have to be tough to make it , I,m going to put my beams up soon life go,s on with you or it passes you by.
No argument here. I salute you sir! Each generation is a little weaker than the last, its seem like as time goes on generation's are just a watered down version of the last generation. Alot of the 20 somethings I work with leave me shaking my head, not all of them, but quite a few of them. When I was a kid my grandpa fell from the top of the grian silos at the Coop Farmland he worked at. I don't know how tall they were, but I now he shouldn't have survived. He landed on the concrete In front of a grian truck and only broke his wrist and pelvis. God had to have had a part in that because by all rights, he should have splattered like a tomato when he hit the cement. He went on to keep working well past retirement age. Hopefully I can adapt and keep on trucking as you have. I'm glad you still enjoy life and your radio hobby, There's no doubt in my mind the older generations are tuff, y'all had it tuffer growing up, which in my mind makes for a tuffer kind of person. Kids nowadays can't ride a bicycle without full body armor, if they even ride bicycles at all.:unsure:
No no light. I,m not sure if that says something about me or not. I do no I dont worry about things like I used to I figure everything is cake after that.

I can relate. I had an issue with anaphylaxis from some medication about 20 years ago. No lights, no tunnel, nothing. I remember swelling, itching, throat closing, strangulation, then waking up. All I know is that my entire outlook on life had changed at that moment. I was a bad-ass growing up. I won't share the details but I was not a good person. Today, my grandkids and great grandkids simply melt my heart. And they know how to pull Papa's strings!! LOL
View attachment 56855Never tried that stuff but I bet it works just like Bag Balm works on your Old, Dried & Cracked Feet. MOOO
Bought some of this today, giving it a try. It definitely has a cool/warming effect, can't say it's any better than anything else I've tried but it isn't any worse either. I do have a strange craving for straw and carrots. OMG!!! I JUST REMEMBERED WE HAVE SUGAR CUBES IN THE KITCHEN CABINET!! WOOT WOOT!!!
No argument here. I salute you sir! Each generation is a little weaker than the last, its seem like as time goes on generation's are just a watered down version of the last generation.
I've lived in this house and town almost 47 years and not once has some young person stopped and ask if I needed my grass cut or snow shoveled to make some money.

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