I love to cook, and am a pretty fair amateur chef if I do say so myself!

Cooking is like therapy for me; I just get lost in the cooking and forget about everything else. My mother was a superb cook, and could whip up the most interesting of Rumainian, Greek and Mediterranean meals as well as typical European faire. One day it was a delicious Moussaka and the next, succulent Weiner Schnitzels mit der mash potateners.
I decided I liked her cooking so much, that I'd try and copy her, so at 15, I started to cook. Ruined a lot of pots along the way but eventually got the hang of it. Today, I can cook Indian, Chinese, Greek, Continental European, and almost anything. Sure I can follow a recipe, but I love to improvise. I love to organize small dinners for my friends, where we eat, drink wine,
yak, and then the men go down to the ham shack.