Thanks for the reinforcement. I'm waiting for the radio, PS, antenna and base mic. I called the "codes" section for my City and got preliminary approval to install a 40' tower. Preliminary; because now they want to see drawings, tower specs, base/foundation strenght, a copy of the plot, and an overwhelming number of details prior to final approval. While I live in an older neighborhood (before HOA's became fashionable), there is an 'unofficial' association, from which City Codes will like to see a 'grace' letter. Meeting them on Friday at a gathering... It used to be so simple....just set up the antenna, hook up the radio and talk.
I had a 2970N2. I did not tune it for maximum output and only adjusted the Am modulation for 100%. I found with a Astatic 575m6 microphone the audio was quite nice on AM and SSB.
When I bought my house it had a old TV antenna on top of a 40' tower. I took off the TV antenna and stuck a 10' stick of mast out of the tower and attached a Imax 2000 to it.
(Fingers crossed)
I have never had 1 complaint from my neighbors or anyone else about RFI or how it looks in the air. I run a clean station with just the output power of my Kenwood radio. I also put a 2 meter/70cm/6 meter antenna on a arm extender off the side of the tower about 35' up.
If it were up to me I would put up a Hex beam and a full sized G5RV, but for now being new to the neighborhood I'm trying to stay under the radar. I never contacted anyone at my local government to check if I was allowed to have antennas in the air.
This is what my local governments code/ordnance is for receptions antennas.
After reading it I find myself feeling my setup is ok but if they wanted to push the issue they (Local government) could make me take my Imax 2000 down. Probably fine me as well.
Roof or structure mounted facilities in single family
residential districts: In single-family
residential districts, reception antenna facilities
mounted on a roof of a building, or on a
structure more than three (3) feet in height,
shall be subject to the following regulations.
A. The antenna facility itself shall not be
larger than ten (10) feet in height or
diameter width. Moreover, the facility shall
be of perforated, mesh or rod and/or pole
construction, and shall not be of solid
sheet or panel construction.
B. A roof-mounted antenna facility shall be
located on that portion of the roof adjacent
to the rear yard on the property, and a
structure-mounted facility shall be located
in the rear yard area but shall not be
located in a required yard setback area.
C. No part of the antenna facility shall extend
higher than three (3) feet above the ridge
and/or peak of the roof, but in no event
higher than the maximum height limitation
in the zoning district in the case of a
building mounted facility; and/or
seventeen (17) feet above grade in the
case of a structure mounted facility.
Exclude from provisions of this Section,
conventional VHF and UHF television
antennae, FM reception antennae and
short wave radio antennae used by
amateur radio operators based upon the
following findings: there is relatively minor
concern for wind and snow load issues due
to an established safety record; there has
been an historical acceptance of such
facilities from architectural and aesthetic
standpoints; amateur radio operators
provide benefits to emergency service