Henry, here are the original notes on 03/20/06 of my field strength measurements on my Marconi antenna.
Admittedly this is not scientfic, but this is the way I did the comparisons while adding radials. Next time I do this I will also record data while adding radials starting with 0 - 6 one radial at a time.
In this process, I first tested the antenna with all six radials installed,
3-1/4 waves slanted down plus 3-72" horizontal.
3-1/4 waves slanted down.
3-72" radials horizontal.
I used a Heathkit PM2 meter with a remote coaxial antenna on a 10' wooden dowel that I can setup on a wooden ladder. This gets the top of the coaxial antenna up to about 20' and was located about 40' away from the antenna.
First thing is to calibrated the meter for medium deflection (5 on the scale) using the Marconi with no radials at all, presumed to be the weakest antenna tested. I found this setting was way too strong and had to reduce the sensitivity down to less than (1) else the stronger antennas buried the needle over (10).
Images below, Marconi, FS meter with remote coaxial antenna attached. The Marconi shown has one 1/4 wave radial missing in the image.