WireW...I still have some of this left over from my first marriage. Glad to send you a box brother. Yea, she divorced me but damit I had a tower!!!!
Sooooo...why won't your wife let you put up a tower?
WireW...I still have some of this left over from my first marriage. Glad to send you a box brother. Yea, she divorced me but damit I had a tower!!!!
A tower is just a 3 legged pole so it should only cost 3 times as much to stand it up right?
I'll do the math:
20' pole $100 to erect
20' tower $300 to erect
60' pole $300
60' tower $900
I don't know. With a little cooperation from the weather, I'll have mine up soon enough and haven't had to call in any favors.Some things are easier said than done and towers are WAY easier said than done.
No viable trees to hang antennas from and besides any trees are on my neigbor's property. Have 60' free-standing tower festooned, festooned I tell you with antennas. Couldn't operate without it. The top part is cut off, but what's not shown is the TH3 tri-bander, a 6M 3-el beam and my 2M Ringo ARX2B collinear. Barely visible is my inverted-Vee. The antenna at the side of he house is my trusty Penetrator 500.
It's a Delhi DMX56HD. No.8 bottom section through to a No. 2 top section. 56' feet, plus the top pipe, 4' above the top plate. Tri-bander at 58', feed-point of 2M at about 65' +/- approximately.Hey Ed, what kind of tower is that? I can't quite tell from the looks of it. Delhi (probably not) or Trylon Titan? Maybe other?
Agreed! My installed tower was treated with cold galvanizing. I'm currently working on a short tower to replace the pole for my Penetrator. Lot's of scraping and steel brushing and then the cold galvanizing over the offending parts. Then flat white paint all over to match the siding on the house. Can't antagonize the neighbors too much!Cold galvanizing compound is great stuff for painting an older tower. Much better than primer and paint. It's sacrificial and actually keeps the tower from rusting.