Today in history. 1972 I was born.
Happy birthday!!
I had just returned from a trip to Florida with my father, his partner, and a flight instructor. The company Bonanza to Jacksonville & back from Dallas.
That bird was heavily-instrumented. Everything there was for a single.
So Pops worked on his IFR-qualifications. And while he and his partner shot footage of a clients marine loading arms at the port, the instructor and I flew to Canaveral (still Kennedy).
Looked it up just now. It was Apollo 16 being moved.
(IRS continued its campaign against small businessmen and the plane had to be sold. Next owner plus one flew it to India and back).
Later in February rode a bicycle to Addison Airport as Air Force One (Spirit of ‘76) was at Collins Radio for upgrades preceding Nixon’s trip to China. One chain-link fence from road shoulder, and a bored AF guard with M16.
Radio, and radio instruments. “Steam-gauges” my pilot son and his peers call those types today. (The family friend at Collins had started making trips to Japan in the late 1960s; those people and their genius for miniaturization).
I once showed him the equipment necessary for the Motorola RadioTelphone Pops had in successive Buick’s & Cadillacs (gotten thru another family friend at that company; ran part of Mexico) and he was suitably impressed by size & weight.
From the stone ages we were, young’n. Still seemed like there was a future, too.