CB'ers talk to people , I'd guess to say that 99% of them do not talk to machines. 90% of them don't even understand what the "machines" are saying in the first place. When it comes to CB ,over modulation is in the ear of the beholder. Weather it's a clean understood over modulation or a raspy what did he say balls to the walls echoing every which way but loose modulation ?? They may not be perfect ,but one can still turn things down to be that much better understood to whom ever it is there talking to .I personally don't care. Chances are ,if your attempting to talk to me and I can't understand you ? and if it's that important ? You will turn it down to at least the point where my ear can understand what it is your trying to say , but then again ,the very few that i do talk to on the cb radio , I can always pretty much understand everything there trying to say to me 99% of the time , may not be perfect , but it sure is clean enough for me to understand. If you ask me for a radio check ,I'll tell you the truth to the best of my "ears" knowledge. If you don't ask me , especially if I don't know you , chances are you'd be on your own. It's kind of like this , guys run C / B / AB and whatever other kinds of amps that are out there , that's there choice. some guys use Radio Shack SWR meters and some use fancy dancey MFJ type meters. You can either be egotistically self-richious and to the point or you can keep things as simple as one only has the knowledge to do so. If it works and others are OK with it , So be it !!. Keeping in mind that IM talking about CB radio here ,it's been that way for the 20 years I've been around , Guy's on channel 6 sound the way they do because they like to sound that way , over the years I've come to realize that its not my "ear holes" cross to bear , my business is in front of me. Are those folks having fun ?? you bet'cha !! and as far as IM concerned , that's all that really matters. This is why the world is full of tech's who will hopefully tune and alighn radio's the right ways , but then again ,they can only do what's in front of them and what folks are willing to pay them for. The rest is what it is . I personally find it a waste of time and I think it gets old after a while for me to moan and groan about how others sound on a CB radio , life is short and I need only to worry about what is in front of me. Peace