You know I trained to be a commercial pilot while doing my Aviation Technology Materials Science degree my first college degree. More commercial pilots die on the drive home from work than die flying. When you start out you start out doing fairly low paying work with terrible hours to build your turbine time up. So you end up working for a contract outfit doing mail runs for UPS and FEDEX flying to all the little airports in an area collecting mail and taking it to a regional airport where they have regional cargo jets and or large Jumbo Jets owned by the big boys like UPS/FEDEX/Global/DHL etc....So your operating very small turbine aircraft, you're doing some of your own loading or at the very least supervising the people loading to make sure your weight and balance is right so your CG is within limits and your fuel, oil, cargo and you are all within the limits etc.....The hours are super early because you working to the schedule of the carrier. Your taking off and landing in 0/0 weather the Ducks are not even flying and you might do that at 4-6 airports each night before your fly back to your own airport. You get done and you are crazy tired so you drive home, eat, shower sleep, etc...and before you know it you are up again to repeat. Sooner or later you fall asleep at the wheel it always happens sooner or later! I was once driving home from the airport and someone cut me off on the interstate and instead of hitting the brakes I pulled back for dear life on the steering wheel of my 4Runner as if I was going to fly up and over them! LOL Even though I was driving home my mind was still in "flight mode"