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Tram D201 VFO drift fix.


Sr. Member
Sep 19, 2009
Since restoring my old hand wired D201, I've been using it on SSB for the first time since channel 16 was the place for SSB. As soon as you have to get off the crystal synthesizer board for a frequency above 23, the drift is bad enough to be an inconvenience. It takes like a half hour for the VFO to warm up to the point where it's somewhat usable on SSB. For a long time I just figured Tram VFO drift was temperature related with 15 tubes in the box.

Yesterday while listening to a QSO on SSB, the 220 volt air compressor just happened to kick on. As soon as it did, the sudden small voltage drop, yanked that VFO right off frequency, to the low side and came right back after the motor came up to speed. That made me measure the voltage at the anode of the VFO tube. That's V302B, pin 6. The schemo says it's supposed to be 110 VDC. It was in 1974, when the line voltage was 110. Today pin 6 is 121 VDC and, it moves around just as much as it did back then.

As I watched this voltage during the warmup period, it started over 130 VDC and worked its way down to 121 after a half hour. After this point any noticeable voltage drift is a result of the line fluctuations and it does move around. The warmup voltage drift is mostly the result of all of the tubes coming up to full temperature and the slight increase in current they draw at this point. That seems to be what is what is pulling the plate voltage a few volts lower after warmup. Just 500mv of voltage drift, causes a noticeable shift in frequency on SSB.

There is zero voltage regulation on this VFO and that is far more critical in terms of frequency drift, than anything temperature related. To fix this, solder the cathode side of a 100 volt, 5 watt zener diode to pin 6 of V302, with the anode tied to ground and more than 90% of your VFO drift evaporates! With everything from the VFO, to the balanced modulator aligned, this thing is a pleasure to operate on SSB after the VFO voltage regulator is added.

This additional one part modification works awesome but, there is no such thing as a free lunch. When the crystal selector is on, the VFO tube is cutoff and the two 22K plate dropping resistors dissipate no heat. In this mod, the tube still stays cutoff until you turn the VFO on but, the two dropping resistors will still dissipate essentially the same heat through the Zener diodes conduction path, even when the VFO is off. They still run cooler than the plate dropping resistors used on the 6BA6 tubes, however, if they are stock, now is a good time to upgrade them with metal film resistors.

The part that does have more stress on it when the VFO is off, is the new Zener since it will also have to dissipate the heat associated with the missing tube current when that tube is cutoff. In the hand wired D201, I just soldered the anode of the diode very close to the nearest chassis ground lug to dissipate those few watts. I do notice a few hundred cycles of drift for about 15 seconds after switching the VFO on, as the Zener current shifts mostly to the tube and the diode cools. It takes about 15 seconds to stabilize and settle 700mv lower.

In hindsight, that first 15 seconds of thermal drift could be eliminated with a 10 watt, chassis mounted Zener diode. If you remote mount the Zener, you should RF bypass the longer wire where it connects to pin 6 of the tube. The needed bypass cap is already in place so all you would need to do is add something like a 10uh choke between pin 6 (at the tube socket) and the longer wire to the remote mounted Zener diode.

Shockwave, now that some time has gone by, was this mod a success?
I'd would also like to be able to use the VFO on SSB if possible. My radio is the D201A.
I've ordered a 1N3005B 100v 10w chassis mount Zener. I don't have a 10uh but I do have a 220uh 300ma inductor I'll use to keep the RF off the wire. In this case bigger is better right?
I found that the transmit and receive frequency wasn't lining up very well when operating using the crystals. I used a zener to stabalize the clarifier voltage. That was a big improvement.
The long unshielded wire connecting the VFO to the RX board leaves a lot to be desired. Not sure if I can shield it or if that would have unexpected results?
Any other ideas out there on stability mods for the Trams?
Shockwave, now that some time has gone by, was this mod a success?
I'd would also like to be able to use the VFO on SSB if possible. My radio is the D201A.
I've ordered a 1N3005B 100v 10w chassis mount Zener. I don't have a 10uh but I do have a 220uh 300ma inductor I'll use to keep the RF off the wire. In this case bigger is better right?
I found that the transmit and receive frequency wasn't lining up very well when operating using the crystals. I used a zener to stabalize the clarifier voltage. That was a big improvement.
The long unshielded wire connecting the VFO to the RX board leaves a lot to be desired. Not sure if I can shield it or if that would have unexpected results?
Any other ideas out there on stability mods for the Trams?
Have you tried this mod yet? I am ordering capacitors for my tram today.
So, here's what you'll discover after stabilizing the B+ voltage to the D201 VFO circuit.

Keying the mike causes the heater voltage to drop ever so slightly. The change in heater temperature this causes will make the VFO drift a couple dozen or more Hz while you're keyed up. It will return to the frequency where it was receiving when you unkey.

We wire the front-panel clarifier to be active while receiving with the VFO. The trimpot that takes the place of the clarifier while transmitting gets set to make the transmit frequency agree with the 12 o'clock clarifier receive frequency. But this is still just a band-aid fix. Best I can tell the only proper cure would be to regulate the heater voltage on V302. About the time I considered trying this, the FCC dropped the morse code requirement for a ham license. The 11-meter sidebanders in my neck of the woods all evacuated to the ham bands. Couldn't justify the expense with no 11-meter sideband customers any more.

But that's my experience with this issue. Your mileage may vary.

So, here's what you'll discover after stabilizing the B+ voltage to the D201 VFO circuit.

Keying the mike causes the heater voltage to drop ever so slightly. The change in heater temperature this causes will make the VFO drift a couple dozen or more Hz while you're keyed up. It will return to the frequency where it was receiving when you unkey.

We wire the front-panel clarifier to be active while receiving with the VFO. The trimpot that takes the place of the clarifier while transmitting gets set to make the transmit frequency agree with the 12 o'clock clarifier receive frequency. But this is still just a band-aid fix. Best I can tell the only proper cure would be to regulate the heater voltage on V302. About the time I considered trying this, the FCC dropped the morse code requirement for a ham license. The 11-meter sidebanders in my neck of the woods all evacuated to the ham bands. Couldn't justify the expense with no 11-meter sideband customers any more.

But that's my experience with this issue. Your mileage may vary.

hopefully that band aid will work enough to keep the 38lsb "frequency police" from getting to rough on me lol. I need to learn a lot more about electronic theory before I figure out how to regulate the heater voltage. Thanks for all the help so far Nomad, I just did my first alignment on saturday so I am starting to feel like a real cb tech
hopefully that band aid will work enough to keep the 38lsb "frequency police" from getting to rough on me lol. I need to learn a lot more about electronic theory before I figure out how to regulate the heater voltage. Thanks for all the help so far Nomad, I just did my first alignment on saturday so I am starting to feel like a real cb tech
You want the best way to solve that problem and sound great on 38lsb. Go to Barkett and buy the 38 crystal. Put it in ch1 slot. You now have a few new SSB frequencies and you can use the vfo for AM on the ch you lost. Set it dead on using the trimmer. Works like a charm. Thats the way I talk 38lsb on my VOX 201. And you can reverse back to stock in 5 min.
You want the best way to solve that problem and sound great on 38lsb. Go to Barkett and buy the 38 crystal. Put it in ch1 slot. You now have a few new SSB frequencies and you can use the vfo for AM on the ch you lost. Set it dead on using the trimmer. Works like a charm. Thats the way I talk 38lsb on my VOX 201. And you can reverse back to stock in 5 min.
I've done that many times over the years for people. They just have to realize they won't have channel 39. Only 36,37,38,and 40 unless they want to somehow add the extra 4 MHz crystal that the 40 channel radio has.
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A zener works by stealing current from the load that's being regulated. To make a zener regulate properly, either choose a zener with a lower circuit voltage than the 100 Volts or so the tube uses now, or reduce the resistance of the series pair R319+R320. They add up to 44K. Since they drop around 300 Volts, the current through the tube V302B is just under 7 mA. If we double the resistor's current to 14 mA, the zener can take half of it, V302B the other half. A 100-Volt zener will have to dump 100 times .007, or around 3/4 of a Watt. Just shorting across one of the two 22k resistors would do the trick. But using 22k for R319+320 means that single resistor will dump almost four and a half Watts. This calls for a 10 or 15-Watt dropping resistor to take their place and keep the temperature in reason. The zener should be a 5-Watt part. And no, you should never dump 3/4 of a Watt into a 1-Watt zener. That's a peak 1-Watt rating. Average rating in the real world is half to one-quarter of a Watt, depending on the surrounding temperature. A 5-Watt part will be dumping under 20% of that 5 Watt rating and won't overheat. And the "drifts when I key on sideband" problem will NOT be influenced in a big way. But the B+ will be regulated.

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Oh yeah, you asked about zeners. As a rule, you use multiple zeners only in series, not in parallel. Since a zener is a constant-voltage device putting them in parallel almost guarantees that one of them will kick in at a slightly-lower voltage than any other in parallel with it. That zener will "hog" the current and the one with the slightly-higher threshold will get less than half the load. Putting them in series keeps the current through each zener the same, in spite of small voltage-tolerance differences between them. We use a series string of five 20-Volt zeners to regulate the negative grid bias for the 4CX250B tube in the Pride base amplifier. Much cheaper than a single 25-Watt zener. And since they spread the heat five ways, no need for a heat sink.

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Thanks, I had already ordered some 100v 5w units, will try, and fit a tubular heatsink to help in xtal mode. Looking at your fix Chris, I should use 2 x 50v 5w units in series to provide 10w,....... I looked at that and they seem hard to get , will go with the 100v 5w units and see how I go..
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Oh yeah, you asked about zeners. As a rule, you use multiple zeners only in series, not in parallel. Since a zener is a constant-voltage device putting them in parallel almost guarantees that one of them will kick in at a slightly-lower voltage than any other in parallel with it. That zener will "hog" the current and the one with the slightly-higher threshold will get less than half the load. Putting them in series keeps the current through each zener the same, in spite of small voltage-tolerance differences between them. We use a series string of five 20-Volt zeners to regulate the negative grid bias for the 4CX250B tube in the Pride base amplifier. Much cheaper than a single 25-Watt zener. And since they spread the heat five ways, no need for a heat sink.

Just regarding the parallel proposition, apparrently zeners rated over 5v behave in a way that supports parallel operation better, even though it has its drawbacks as you mention. The idea here was to remove some to half of the wattage load off the one zener when just having just one zener. The current carried by one zener must be more than in that same zener, then having another in parallel (as the parallel sum causes more VD on the series resisitors reducing voltage acting on the 2, until rated voltage when reached drops zener current to then control 100v , reducing the sum current of 2 in parallel to less than one zener current doubled. ? So it must be beneficial rather than just having 1 ? The series setup to add power dissapating capacity is the way to go, but I am saying with only a pack of 100v zeners, adding a 2nd in parallel can only help power dissipation and reduce load on the one added to yes ?
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If one zener won't pull any current until the voltage reaches 104 Volts, that's okay unless you have one that conducts at 96 Volts in parallel with it. The 96-Volt part will pull all the circuit current, and the 104-Volt part will never kick in at all. Bear in mind that both of these parts are within 5% of 100 Volts. And if you use zeners rated at a 10% tolerance, the risk is just higher.

Ultimately, its just a risk. If one zener gets hot and the other one doesn't that pair are too far apart. And if they do share the load, they each had working voltages that were close enough.

And this is where fixing your own stuff is different from doing it for hire. A fix that "might" work is not professional grade. Can't charge pro price for a job that "might" be right. But if it turns out to work for you, it's all good. And if you have to turn around and buy two 50-Volt zeners, this is how you'll find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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If one zener won't pull any current until the voltage reaches 104 Volts, that's okay unless you have one that conducts at 96 Volts in parallel with it. The 96-Volt part will pull all the circuit current, and the 104-Volt part will never kick in at all. Bear in mind that both of these parts are within 5% of 100 Volts. And if you use zeners rated at a 10% tolerance, the risk is just higher.

Ultimately, its just a risk. If one zener gets hot and the other one doesn't that pair are too far apart. And if they do share the load, they each had working voltages that were close enough.

And this is where fixing your own stuff is different from doing it for hire. A fix that "might" work is not professional grade. Can't charge pro price for a job that "might" be right. But if it turns out to work for you, it's all good. And if you have to turn around and buy two 50-Volt zeners, this is how you'll find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

OK on that, with the 100v 5w zeners I got a pack of 10 for 5 bucks shipped.
Being the same batch they should be very similar, like I said it can only help rather than just leaving 1, which is my other idea, just do the one as per original post in this thread, however I do intend to fit a heatsink. 50v 5w zeners seem unobtanium here at reasonable prices. Anyhow see how it goes. My D201 vfo drift is bad, and so is my audio on vfo, Donald Duck, they say, so warble I guess. Have R143 tuned for same TX/RX freq etc.
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I did the mod using two 100v 5w units in parallel. One thing to remember on these at 100v the voltage - temperature coefficient apparrently is positive, meaning as the first conducting zener warms its voltage rating increases until the other zener of same rating in parallel starts conducting also. So that the PTC property self regulates flow share through the two parallel zeners if temperature shift is enough. If one zener handles the load without reaching a temperature PTC > voltage value of the other, then it controls the load alone. However it is a good safety valve. Apparrently zeners over 5v rating have this PTC property. Please correct me if you have better info ? source > https://www.mccsemi.com/pdf/applicationnotes/Zener%20Voltage%20Regulation%20with%20Temperature.pdf

Also the OP post at top also indicates this ; "I do notice a few hundred cycles of drift for about 15 seconds after switching the VFO on, as the Zener current shifts mostly to the tube and the diode cools. It takes about 15 seconds to stabilize and settle 700mv lower." > Hence '700mv lower as the diode cools'.... So it is PTC.
Also the twisted together wires of the two in parallel helps heat dissipation, even if only one is doing the work.
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