Troubleshooting is a stepwise process, whether it's your daily driver that won't start, or a radio that won't transmit.
You will usually find that the first few things you check are not the cause of the trouble. Once you find enough things that aren't broke, the process will eventually lead you to what really is broke.
I'm a bit surprised nobody asked if the relay goes "click" when you key the mike. Don't laugh. Unless I'm looking over your shoulder there's no way for me to know.
Sometimes the first thing you check turns out to be causing a fault. More often, you'll rack up a list of things that aren't broke before finding the root of the fault.
The next thing I would suggest is to tune in a second radio onto the same channel as the TRC449. Plug a spare coax jumper into the monitor radio. Thread the outer sleeve of the coax plug back onto the cable leaving the center pin fully exposed. The pin at this end of the jumper is now a "sniffing" antenna, to see if a weak signal is being generated inside the radio.
If you can't hear anything in the monitor radio, don't waste time looking at the transmitter's power stages. Even if they're working, they have to have a drive signal feeding into them.
And if you do hear the signal in the monitor receiver, see if the signal is stronger near the rear of the radio.
But this is a big dividing line in the radio, just finding out that your transmit signal is being generated at a low level to begin with.
Yes, the final transistor is a common failure. You'll hear advice to just "shotgun" the problem and change it. But if it has no drive signal feeding into it, that would be a waste of time.