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Where I work I see a LOT of trucks and deal with drivers everyday. I have seen many trucks with several different array of antennas. So far I haven't seen any other transceivers besides the CB in the cab. I've noticed some put their own CB antennas up on the mirrors and leave the antennas and mounts that came with the truck (when they got it).
Now I have seen TV antennas, at truck stops, that look like the other CB antennas in design and style but shorter. Heck I seen many trucks with several antennas with no coax attached to them and others with no transceivers what so ever.
I'll also point out that scanners and radar detectors are prohibited in such vehicles (federal regulation). However I'm sure a few have them both.
I hear alotr of them on 2 simplex.... 146.52 and 146.54 and alot on 40 mtrs...hf radios are getting so small and amps are too...the mfj amertron als500 is about as big as a texas star 250...and the work and last...73s de JW
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