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trying to decide between two


Nov 7, 2009
I am going to be adding a cb to the rig sometime soon. This wont be used much but in my usual travels I stumble on traffic using my scanner and I'd like to occassionally chat. Compact is my main priority as this isnt my main peice of equipment and just want it "out of the way" mot of the time.

I've narrowed my interest to two, the Cobra 75 wx st and the midland 75-822.

Does anyone have any strong opinions leaning towards one or the other? Has anyone compared them head to head and can really give me info on the differences between the two?


i have not had experience with either radio, but they seem to be quite similar.
i would guess that they would both perform about the same.

the biggest deal isnt really the radio you choose, its the antenna you choose.

either one of those radios could be a great setup if you have a good antenna, but any radio will be a dud if you have a poor antenna.

if you tell us the details of your antenna installation situation, we can help you pick the best antenna for your setup.
that way, no matter what radio you choose, it will work well for you.
I'm sure that either one will work just fine for your purposes. I travel across country once a year during the Spring for the last three years, and plan to go again this Spring as well. Channel 19 / AM is the trucker's channel. Great place to get road, distances, restaurant, fuel stops, and points of interest information. Had some great conversations that helped to pass the time and boredom of driving many miles too. Just be polite - because they generally are.

Truckers also use ch 38 lower side band too. But you have indicated AM-only mode radios in your choices. Not necessary to have a radio with 'single side band' ('SSB') mode; but they talk farther and have a small learning curve to them.

It is more important to focus on great antenna than spend more on a radio that sees only some use. The antenna is everything; the radio is secondary. Spend a fair price for a decent antenna - and it will always prove itself to be a fair investment with usable returns. A Wilson 1000 antenna with a magnet mount will cost around $70 and work sooo fine that it will well be worth the added expense. Last for years too. A poor antenna will not receive or transmit worth a dang and will prove to be a waste of money and time and become a regret.

Axiom: Spend more on the antenna than the radio, and you will always do well . . .
Thanks for the input guys.

Looking at them, they are very similar. Thats why im hoping someone out there has some actual experience with one or the other just so i can get a "feel" for one over the other. I havent found both of them locally so i havent handled either one yet. I'll probably hold of until i can at least do that.

I havent decided on antenna set-up yet. Im driving a toyota tundra step-side with a cap on the bed. Ive got planned a couple antennas mounted on the hood area for the scanner and HAM and am considering something bumper mounted for the CB. I don't want to stick up too far past the cap, hence the hood mounted stuff and looking at bumper mounted solutions for CB. I can (and will) spend the money for a decent antenna. Im open to any insight long those lines as well.

SSB? maybe, but my primary concern with the CB is to keep it relatively stealth. I like the two models i mentioned as I can get the "cable kit" and permanently mount that in both my truck and the wifes car. Id keep the radio in my truck most of the time but when we go on a trip, i can just plug the radio in her car and use a mag mount antenna on the trunk.

If thre i a good SMALL ssb model out there thats worth looking at, i will consider it. is there a handheld version out there somewhere??

Thanks for the input guys!
I had a Cobra 75 many years ago. For a quick throw it in the car on a trip it's ok. Not much of a talker, needs an external speaker for best sound. It does have the infamous Soundcrapper technology as well. I sold it here on the forum for like 40 bucks, not much value in those. I would try a different radio if possible.
oh wow. Silly me, never thought to look them up on youtube. thank you! now I've been able to at least watch others using these radios. I think im leaning more towards the midland. Functionality seems to be about the same between the two and the midland has more "bells and whistles" and seems like it would be easier to swap between vehicles to me.

Now for any suggestions on a bumper mount antenna to go along with it? or possibly the best place to purchase it? I saw one video where one was "tuned up" ??

Now for any suggestions on a bumper mount antenna to go along with it? or possibly the best place to purchase it? I saw one video where one was "tuned up" ??[/QUOTE]

1]bumper mount isnt gonna be a good place id mount it on hood across from
am/fm stero antenna. roof is BEST location
2] wilson makes a mag mount antenna called lil wil its only 3ft
but works ok for what it is.it would be great for interstate
driving,and mounted on roof it would only be 3ft higher than
cap.so shouldnt be any height issues.
3]id try palco electronics .cause they seem to have
a larger variety of antennas
Yup, I agree with hotrod here. A bumper mount antenna just isn't going to work out in the long run as well as even using a Wilson 'Little Wil' antenna on the roof. Antennas work much better on the top of the vehicle than on a hood too - that goes for all of them. Not saying you can't do it that way; but you will compromise performance.
Height is might - it is also a rule of thumb often used and not ignored.
if you're going to mount the antenna on the bumper; it wont matter what radio you choose. its going to work like crap, and you may be able to talk to someone within a couple of miles, but thats about it.

if thats ok for your usage, then my suggestion would be to buy a 40 channel walkie talkie and put the antenna out the window when you are using it.

honestly, that will work just about as well as mounting an antenna on your bumper.

remember that only the portion of the antenna that is above the roof line is actually radiating a signal. the rest just gets reflected off the metal body of the vehicle.

seriously, just save yourself the headaches and buy a set of walkie talkies.
OK, perhaps a smaller roof mount. I will already have a ham antenna and a scanner antenna mounted on the hood. scanner near the am/fm antenna and ham antenna on drivers side. Unless i find something reasonable for the roof, i dont want anything else on the hood...
ok, roof mount will work great.

you might even be able to get away with a magnet mount, as most pickups nowadays have a third brake light right at the back of the cab.
you can run your cable through this without much trouble.

how high above your roof can you handle an antenna sticking up?
3 feet? 4 feet? 5 feet?

you are not going to get a good CB antenna that is less than 3 feet long.

what kind of budget are you on?
40 dollars? 70 dollars?

knowing the answer to these questions will allow us to suggest specific antennas to you.

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