Well you'll have your soldering iron out so all you do is desolder one end of the winding in the input transformer, unwind one turn which is push the wire out the back side of the transformer, push it back through to the front side then cut wire leaving enough to resolder to the board and you're done.
There is a little more involvement to replacing the transistors but is straight forward and basically a DIRECT SWAP so I didn't mean to hurt your feeling by proving you wrong so please accept my apologies.
No hurt feelings on this end. You know how people are, we have all seen many small 2 pill amplifiers that someone drops in a pair of 2879's and does nothing else. Then that amp becomes a truck stop trade in for the rest of it's life because it runs hot and just does not work right. I guess if it's done right then yea the guy can do it. Then the next guy that has a Silver Streak 175 reads this thread and says cool, I'm gonna do that to my amp cause these guys said it's a direct swap. Two months later it will be for sale in the swap section cause he's getting stomped on by a Palomar 250 lol. It's all good.