You say "honor" and I say blasphemy. :sad: IMHO classics should be stock. That's what makes them classic.
Not me, man! I had a Craftsman 7.5 HP lawnmower with 4 forward gears that I modified to do (quite literally) 25 MPH.
Now THAT is modification.
I appreciate everyone's "position" or "take" on modification, hacking or whatever... But beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
My personal take on it is that you quite literally can't take it with you when you croak. So why not enjoy "it" on 11M now ... it doesn't have any bearing of the cosmetics of the radio, either. At 20 feet, I dare anyone to tell me the difference between a "hacked" rig and and a "stock" rig, precluding some drill-happy moron hasn't had at the case and installed a bunch of switches in not-so-obtrusive places.
As I said in another thread... "run what 'cha brung..."