here are some of the specs of my off air standard i would like your opinions?
any time i have a lock onto droitwich my long term stability is 2x 10 exp-11 npl traceable or close to as accurate as the ceasium rubidium controlled transmission monitored by the national physics laboritary to which it is locked onto or so they claim,
short term stability typical 4x10 exp-9 one second
when i cannot get a lock ( never happened yet ) the accuracy of the internal ovened standard is 5x10 exp-9,
it has 1, 5, and 10mhz outputs plus a presettable output in .0001hz steps from 1khz to 16mhz,
i can and have checked it against a couple of new gps based standards from the same maker anytime and both off air and internal oven are well within specs,
ps, i use the off air standard as the referance oscillator in the counter rather than use its own internal oven,
not the worlds most accurate i know but its good enough to see that all radios and most counters unless they have a very good oven will drift about all day long