ok, now I want to see this..I know it can be done by a few disc cap changes..but thats about where I am leaving this 8)
Switch Kit ,nice post a bit long finger winded, but it was well worth it ,in the long run
nightrider, I personally think this is a tactic to lure members to your site...
most people just want to say ,yo my radio is doing this watts and modulation.
and then theres the other 80% that just talk on the rig
and are happy they are getting out stock or stock-moded (I am sure you know what that means!)
and there happy as hell..and don't pay attention to meters or modulation
In my world
Braggers are raggers!!
meaning if your raging about someone making fun of your bragging,then there is something wrong here...this intends to bring that bragger to the front line to try to prove them self ..
this is all i am saying for now..
so now lets let the chewing begin!