Keep in mind that the 980 uses a mosfet, and mosfets are biased on a set voltage, while bipolar transistors are current based and biased with a small amount of current. 50-100ma of current on a transistor isn't enough to heat it up, but apply constant 3.5-4V to a mosfet and it will heat up.
When a 980 is keyed, that bias voltage is applied to the mosfet regardless of whether on not the radio is modulated in AM or SSB modes. The same is true for an older radio with bipolar transistors and current, but the low current will not heat up a transistor like 3.5-4V will heat up a mosfet. Different breed of cats in the new radios these days.
When a 980 is keyed, that bias voltage is applied to the mosfet regardless of whether on not the radio is modulated in AM or SSB modes. The same is true for an older radio with bipolar transistors and current, but the low current will not heat up a transistor like 3.5-4V will heat up a mosfet. Different breed of cats in the new radios these days.