My first radio was a Uniden PC76 XLW. It stopped transmitting a few years ago. It sat on a shelf for a while. Then it became parts when I needed a meter and an SO 239. Then I decided to attempt to try and do some home repair. I purchased a new final and driver and soldered them in (too bad they were counterfeit.) So finally, after a few years of being dead, I decided to send it for repair. The radio is in pretty good shape. It has near perfect case halves and chassis. The board looks great. There is only a couple blemishes on the face. I knew it still wouldn't have much value more than the sentimental type. I contacted Bells CB and shipped it out. He had done a superb job on my Uniden Madison.
When he was done fixing and tuning it, on the bench, it dead keyed 6W and peaked at 35W. I tested it in my pickup and my meter showed 6W swinging 22W. So I dug out my power supply and hooked up the radio in my room. I use the Madison for SSB and I switch to the PC76 for AM. I only have a Wilson 1000 mag mount currently until I finish my dipole and get some coax. It is stuffed out my bedroom window and sits on top of the metal roof of the back entryway (60' X 12'). So I decided to call my numbers a few times. Even with 7 lbs of static, and a ton of traffic I heard people responding to my little barefoot Uniden. I have to say I am extremely impressed. I have been getting short responses pretty consistent. They tend to get cut off and I can't continue a conversation. But I hear my numbers. I am so impressed with the performance of this "little" radio. And that comes from someone running a Galaxy 95t2 hooked to a TNT 600HD and a 102" on a bonded Chevy 2500HD.
I can't wait until I buy a house, this spring, and use it on my Archer .64 wave ground plane on a 45' tower. It should scream.
When he was done fixing and tuning it, on the bench, it dead keyed 6W and peaked at 35W. I tested it in my pickup and my meter showed 6W swinging 22W. So I dug out my power supply and hooked up the radio in my room. I use the Madison for SSB and I switch to the PC76 for AM. I only have a Wilson 1000 mag mount currently until I finish my dipole and get some coax. It is stuffed out my bedroom window and sits on top of the metal roof of the back entryway (60' X 12'). So I decided to call my numbers a few times. Even with 7 lbs of static, and a ton of traffic I heard people responding to my little barefoot Uniden. I have to say I am extremely impressed. I have been getting short responses pretty consistent. They tend to get cut off and I can't continue a conversation. But I hear my numbers. I am so impressed with the performance of this "little" radio. And that comes from someone running a Galaxy 95t2 hooked to a TNT 600HD and a 102" on a bonded Chevy 2500HD.
I can't wait until I buy a house, this spring, and use it on my Archer .64 wave ground plane on a 45' tower. It should scream.