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Uniden Washington Problems


Mar 2, 2016
I really hope someone can help me with this. The radio is a Uniden Washington. I'm having a problem getting the internal adjustment (CT3) to get the radio on frequency only on USB, I seem to run out of adjustment. Also, It seems VR3 ( TX frequency) doesn't work any more, I'm not sure if it's because the clarifier has been opened up.? I just bought this radio for a decent amount of money and would really like to get this fixed, myself. LSB and AM is fine, I was able to get LSB center slot. I can't even get it on frequency (usb) with the clarifier all the way to the left after I adjust CT3, I run out of adjustment on the clarifier too. I would like to get everything center slot. Thanks
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Yes, the center slot position is off center if the person who owned the radio before you had extended the opened clarifier range. It is also the same reason that CT3 doesn't work to get USB aligned. Extending the clarifier range is a different mod than just opening the clarifier. Personally when I open the clarifier on any radio I've worked on, I keep the standard clarifier range for that reason.

What to do? Look up how to extended the clarifier range for this chassis - and then reverse that mod (consists of bypassing some resistors on the main board - IIRC). That will allow you to keep the clarifier opened up, and CT3 will also tune right. And yes - once the clarifier has been opened up the TX setting pot will no longer work; small, inconsequential effect .
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Thank you for the quick reply!
I tried looking up the extended clarifier and didn't find too much. What if I wanted to leave it, could I somehow get USB on frequency ? I don't care that much if USB is not center slot however as it is now, after trying to align it, I still can't get it on frequency Even after adjusting CT3 the best I could, I still can't get the clarifier to tune in say 27.375, I run out of adjustment on the clarifier before I can get it to 27.375. Thanks again.
Usually, there will be a sweet spot where you can tune and get the radio aligned when the extended clarifier mod has been done to it. Unfortunately, the clarfier knob will no longer be at the 12 o'clock position; usually will be found at the 3 o'clock position.
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How are you reading the frequency?
Excuse me for asking but you do know USB is not on 27.375 ? You have to allow for the offset if using a frequency counter !Sorry if i am stating the obvious but a lot of new guys get it wrong. And it does fit the symptoms you describe, if the clarifier range has not been altered.( just opened)
Vr3 is bypassed when clarifier is opened.
If your clarifier has been opened, set it to center slot and adjust these cans to to the following, or if your am and lsb is right on and you don't have the equipment your can as a last resort have someone that you know is right on go to lsb and talk and you can adjust the can until its on or close. this will get you in the ballpark.
CH-1 AM ----------- Adjust L-23 for 34.7650 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 USB ---------- Adjust L-59 for 34.7665 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 LSB ---------- Adjust L-22 for 34.7635 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
If your clarifier has been opened, set it to center slot and adjust these cans to to the following, or if your am and lsb is right on and you don't have the equipment your can as a last resort have someone that you know is right on go to lsb and talk and you can adjust the can until its on or close. this will get you in the ballpark.
CH-1 AM ----------- Adjust L-23 for 34.7650 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 USB ---------- Adjust L-59 for 34.7665 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 LSB ---------- Adjust L-22 for 34.7635 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
Not if the clarifier had been extended . . .
Usually, there will be a sweet spot where you can tune and get the radio aligned when the extended clarifier mod has been done to it. Unfortunately, the clarfier knob will no longer be at the 12 o'clock position; usually will be found at the 3 o'clock position.
I will continue to tinker with it. Thank you for continuing to help me, I really appreciate it.

How are you reading the frequency?
Excuse me for asking but you do know USB is not on 27.375 ? You have to allow for the offset if using a frequency counter !Sorry if i am stating the obvious but a lot of new guys get it wrong. And it does fit the symptoms you describe, if the clarifier range has not been altered.( just opened)
Vr3 is bypassed when clarifier is opened.
I am using a lab grade frequency counter with a gps txco and a known Kenwood ts-870 with a TXCO that is on frequency with WWV and said freq. counter. Also, as previously stated I was able to get LSB aligned properly with no problems. Thanks

If your clarifier has been opened, set it to center slot and adjust these cans to to the following, or if your am and lsb is right on and you don't have the equipment your can as a last resort have someone that you know is right on go to lsb and talk and you can adjust the can until its on or close. this will get you in the ballpark.
CH-1 AM ----------- Adjust L-23 for 34.7650 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 USB ---------- Adjust L-59 for 34.7665 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.
CH-1 LSB ---------- Adjust L-22 for 34.7635 Mhz. +/- 20 Hz.

The Washington is an 8719 pc-385 board. I have been going by the following link and they do not mention L-23, L-59 or L-22.


Hello Deebeez,

first, use this page for your alignment info and schematics:

this radio is the same on the inside as your washington.

Usually with this chassis, the secret to getting the USB adjustment correct is to do it first.

CT3 is actually the crystal trimmer cap for the 11.1125mhz crystal, and is actually active on all three modes.
so the way to think of it on this chassis, is that the crystal gets trimmed in USB mode, and then the AM and LSB adjustments are based off of this adjustment.

so, do USB first, and then tune the other modes.

however! if the clarifier is modded, there is a chance that D37 the varactor has been messed with, and may have some inductance in series with it. this can shift the center frequency to a point where you can't get all three modes to line up.

so check D37 and remove any parts added to it.

if you really want to leave the clarifier mod like it is, you can try paralleling small value ceramic disc caps across CT3 in order to put it closer to the freq you want.
start with values of like 2 to 5 pF, and go from there. shouldn't take too much to trim it into place.
if, for some reason adding the caps in parallel takes you in the wrong direction frequency-wise, then you will have to lift one side of CT3 and add the capacitance in series with it.

best of luck.
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well looks like 6 people have downloaded the sams service manual and never even said any thing about the free manual.

Mike I got your email as you cleaned up the document and sent the version to me but can not find it
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well looks like 6 people have downloaded the sams service manual and never even said any thing about the free manual.

Mike I got your email as you cleaned up the document and sent the version to me but can not find it
You are right.
Would have liked to had this a few years back when I aligned a radio for the very first time; the pc-385 chassis.
But I kept this file and do appreciate it!
Thanks guys! I'll try again this weekend, unless I feel like doing it after work, some time this week. Thanks again and I'll report back on my progress.

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