congrats debeez.
the reason for the weird freq response in USB is probably due to the tuning of it's IF can.
that 7.8mhz IF can be really tricky to sample without loading down the circuit, but there is a trick you can use! (this will not be as 100% accurate as a properly calibrated piece of professional test equipment, but it will work about 98% as well)
just to make sure, check these items off before you do this:
1. is the VCO coil set to the proper voltage?
2. with the clarifier knob set to center position, are each of the VCO tuning cans (and variable cap for USB) showing their proper 34mhz signal?
3. you need to pull the wires off of TP7 and TP8 which are near the driver and final transistors. This is very important because you don't want much power coming out of the radio, just the signal.
ok, first step is to connect your freq counter to the center pin of the antenna jack with the ground going to the chassis.
next, confirm that you are still centered on the clarifier knob and haven't bumped it.
now load this video up on your phone or your computer if it is close to your bench:
this video contains 10 minutes of a continuous 1000hz tone.
Set the radio to channel 20, LSB mode, turn the mic gain all the way down, and key the mic while holding it up to either your phone or computer speaker.
play this video into the mic while keyed, and turn the mic gain up until you get a solid reading on your freq counter. in LSB mode, it should read 27.20400mhz.
if it does not, adjust CT2 until it does.
now go to USB mode, and do the exact same thing. now the freq counter should read 27.20600mhz. if it does not, adjust CT1 until it does.
now go to AM mode, and turn the mic gain all the way down. you can stop the video as you wont need it for AM mode.
with the mic gain all the way down, key the mic, and adjust L17 until your counter reads 27.20500mhz. (AM mode has a carrier so it doesn't need the steady tone in order to produce a solid signal on your counter)
27.20500 + 1000hz = 27.20600mhz for USB
27.20500 - 1000hz = 27.204000mhz for LSB.
you should be all set now.