So, here's the dilemma.
The radio works for LSB and AM modes. This crosses a lot of suspects off the list, since they would cause trouble on the two modes that DO work.
The crystal used for USB must be okay, since that crystal is used for AM transmit.
The 'cans', coils used to trim the crystal frequencies when changing modes are only in the circuit for the other two modes. In USB mode, both the 11.1125 MHz crystal and the 7.8025 USB carrier crystal have only a switching diode in the circuit. Those coils are in the circuit ONLY in the other two modes, the ones that work. In USB mode, only a diode is in line with either crystal.
An open diode would disrupt the DC-voltage readings that he took, so that seems unlikely. He checked the voltage at the resistor that completes the ground return for the switching diode for D27, D29 and D33 so you can't blame them. An open diode would disrupt that measurement.
Makes my theory that the 7.8025 crystal is shutting down in USB mode seem questionable. Next thing I would have done is to look for that 7.8025 carrier with a 'scope, to see that the level is okay, and listen for it with the SDR to see that it's on frequency.
And that's where we left off. He doesn't have the tools on hand to eavesdrop on the 7.8025 and confirm if it's alive or dead in USB mode.