I also learned during this excursion. I'm sorry to see that you are budding the project go. I was following this thread like a novel. I'm sorry it had to end this way. I'm sure you are too. Kudos! You definitely gave it your best. It is very possible it's just so butchered that it's actually counterintuitive spending so much time trying to repair everyone else's butcher jobs. 73 s. Jojo 111 NJWell I have tried several mics as it works on my 148 gtl so I will say sorry guys but I'm closing this chapter my time has run the course and I'm selling it as for parts was taken my time from me but I learned a lot from this rig , thank you for all who has helped me in this journey .
Well I have tried several mics as it works on my 148 gtl so I will say sorry guys but I'm closing this chapter my time has run the course and I'm selling it as for parts was taken my time from me but I learned a lot from this rig , thank you for all who has helped me in this journey .
How much to send it to Nebraska? Pretty sure I can get it working.Actually it wasn't butchered at all, still can be repaired but I don't have time .
I didn't mean to insult you if that was the case. From a couple of replies that I read I gathered that many hands had been inside the radio before. Butchered doesn't necessarily denote that a radio can't be repaired it's just a reference to Golden screwdrivers and there funky fingers that belong nowhere near a transceiver or any type of electronics. In all honesty even the most butchered radio can be repaired or restored back to 100% (sometimes even better then original.) It all depends on the rarity, value, and most of the time sentimental value to the person that either owned it at one time and has once again gotten their hands on it or has purchased the radio they dreamed of having when they couldn't afford it at the age of 13. I have no doubt that it can be repaired. On the other hand there are transceivers CB and amateur that just aren't worth repairing and or restoring. Even if parts are only going to cost $25 to get the radio in 100% working condition you have to take into account how much time those parts are going to take to install after you track down where and what needs to replaced. Time is money. Not to mention the possible golden screwdriver modifications. I'm sure you know what I mean when I say golden screwdriver modifications. Talk about bad soldering improper wiring, deleted components etc etc etc etc. Hence the word butchered. I meant no disrespect towards your Washington. They're great radios. I am the owner of one myself although I will be giving it to a friend who will be doing some work on my station as I can't do it myself. 73 ps. Everything you see on my shelf has been restored and or repaired on more than one occasion. Except the wm1. The Palomar 350Z that is not shown was a nightmare of biblical proportions. Owned and previously modified/butchered by at least 6 owners all who had not a clue on what they were doing. And that Palomar 350Z is a very fine looking and working condition. Magical things can be accomplished with equipment found at the bottom of a county dump. And from what I could gather that's exactly where my Palomar 350Z was found. Godspeed.Actually it wasn't butchered at all, still can be repaired but I don't have time .
That's so fucking cool! I knew one or more of the members on this site who were trying to help khaos513 get this Washington going would step up to the plate. Kudos to you my brother. I know there's people like you out there as I'm getting help from a friend and when I say friend I truly consider him one whom I sold a transceive too. That sale created a friendship that is bringing him to my home where I live with my family (and I am by nature a very private person.) my disability makes it impossible for me to do any repairs or installations. Not to mention my lack of knowledge. I do have friends and family who would step up in a second in order to do what 808 will be doing for me but they like myself don't have the knowledge or know how. No one in my circle is involved and any type of electronics repair. A total stranger just several months ago is now going to basically get my station running like it never has before. At 100% of its capabilities. No more IMAX 2000 8 feet off the ground. No more spaghetti jumpers going every which way from app to radio to antenna switch. out with the old iMaxx and in with the new one that's been sitting in my garage for a bit over two years.How much to send it to Nebraska? Pretty sure I can get it working.
If we'd all just pay it forward. What a better world we'd live in.
Hey? I'd love a crack at this one - come on guys!
I was raised that it's not polite to just grab someone's stuff without checking with them to see if you were even allowed to repair it.
Here's a thought: go to garage sales, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army and hunt for radios there to work on. If you have a local auction in town that can work too. I don't always find something every week; more like once a month. But it keeps me busy. Good hunting.Andy, it would be just fine with me if you had the honors, besides I'm only a post away if you need my expert help and guidance. LOL No problem I'm not really in a good place right now I have 30K dollars worth of equipment so I would have to put together a makeshift bench for it but I was going to because I'm going out-a my mind not being able to work on stuff. But with any luck, it won't be very long.
Robb,Here's a thought: go to garage sales, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army and hunt for radios there to work on. If you have a local auction in town that can work too. I don't always find something every week; more like once a month. But it keeps me busy. Good hunting.