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VHF Hustler G7 antennas differences

Alexis Mercado

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Hi. As you know, there are different VHF G7 antennas ( 136, 144, 150-1, 150-2, 150-3, 150-4 ) My question is:

What is the difference, the length and/or the coils turns, the construction? The G7-150’s are rated as commercial ones.

I am asking because I plan to buy a 144 because it is cheaper and I want to know if by adjusting the length I can get it to tune on MURS frequencies like the G7-150-1.

See G7 Tuning Chart

The g7-144 covers the 2 meter ham band, so I'm guessing somewhere in the range of 144 to 148 MHz give or take.

The g7-150-1 is advertised as covering 148 to 155 MHz, the g7-150-2 is advertised as covering 154 to 161 MHz, and the g7-150-3 is advertised as covering 161 to 168 MHz.

The DB
The g7-144 covers the 2 meter ham band, so I'm guessing somewhere in the range of 144 to 148 MHz give or take.

The g7-150-1 is advertised as covering 148 to 155 MHz, the g7-150-2 is advertised as covering 154 to 161 MHz, and the g7-150-3 is advertised as covering 161 to 168 MHz.

The DB

Thanks DB for responding but I know what the advertisements say. What I am asking is if there are any difference in coil turns, aluminum quality, tubing length etc. in order to make this same design antenna to work on different frequencies. There is a notable difference in price. There must be a reason.
This will be something that likely only the manufacturer will be able to answer, if they choose to. I don't know of very many people that will drop that kind of money just to find out the answer to that type of question on their own, and even if the world smiled on someone and these antennas fell into their possession for free, I still don't see many people taking said perfectly good antennas apart just for this question... I mean hell, I can always use another good antenna or two, can't you?

I hope you get your answer, but its unlikely you will get it from a hobby space.

The DB
Is there a reason you're looking at the other ones other than the G7-144? GMRS possibly or MURS?

Remember, this is a hobby and anyone with any kind of hobby likes to know how things work in their hobby. In my case, I am puzzled how this specific antenna comes in different versions of the same model ( G7 ) . Something must differ on each version.

An example: The Sirio 827 antenna is a cb one but you can make it work on 10 meters by adjusting the length.

Bit this antenna is different since it is a collinear one. You must play with it’s length ( not just the last section) on different sections of the aluminum tubing as you could see on the instructions table.

In other words, I would like to know if anyone here in this forum have played with the G7-144 to make it work on MURS channels, which are pretty close to the 2 meter band.

Some people say that the commercial ones are sturdier than the G7-144. Other than that, measurements of tubing and coil turns are the same. I just want to know if anyone here has verified this.

If for some reason I am not satisfied with the performance on MURS frequencies, I can revert it to the 2 meter band.

This question I have can be done the other way around:

Since supposedly the commercial versions are sturdier, Can I make the G7-150-1 work on the 2 meter band like the G7-144 ?
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MURS channels

Alexis: I rather doubt any 2-meter antenna is going to be broad banded enough to cover over 6 to 10 MHz range. Asking an antenna to cover from 144 thru 154 MHz to me seems like a pretty tall order!
Asking an 11-meter antenna to go 2 MHz up the band is not bad.
My HB covers from about 29.6 MHz down to below 28 easily.
GL, but think that's a reach even if the 2-meter antenna tuned for say 2:1 at middle of band (146 MHz) still a very long way to get to even 151(+)-154 range
All the Best

PS: My 2 meter antenna barely covers the whole band ...FLAT at <144.200 about 2:1+ at 147.5...just my experience (Diamond FH23H 3-5/8ths stacked)
Works great @45 ft. to bottom (most generally 60-100 mile range)
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Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) | Federal Communications Commission (fcc.gov)
151.820 MHz (11.25 kHz)
151.880 MHz (11.25 kHz)
151.940 MHz (11.25 kHz)
154.570 MHz (20.00 kHz)
154.600 MHz (20.00 kHz)

No MURS transmitter shall, under any condition of modulation, transmit more than 2 watts transmitter power output.
For MURS radios, the FCC limits antenna height to 20 feet above a structure, or 60 feet above ground (whichever is greater).
Alexis: I rather doubt any 2-meter antenna is going to be broad banded enough to cover over 6 to 10 MHz range. Asking an antenna to cover from 144 thru 154 MHz to me seems like a pretty tall order!
Asking an 11-meter antenna to go 2 MHz up the band is not bad.
My HB covers from about 29.6 MHz down to below 28 easily.
GL, but think that's a reach even if the 2-meter antenna tuned for say 2:1 at middle of band (146 MHz) still a very long way to get to even 151(+)-154 range
All the Best

PS: My 2 meter antenna barely covers the whole band ...FLAT at <144.200 about 2:1+ at 147.5...just my experience (Diamond FH23H 3-5/8ths stacked)
Works great @45 ft. to bottom (most generally 60-100 mile range)

Thanks for responding BJ.
I am not trying to make the G7-144 to work on 2m and MURS at the same time.

The idea is to take a 2 meter band antenna ( take it out of 2 meter frequency ) and tune it in MURS by adjusting the length.
Alexis: Sorry misunderstood the question.
I would think you can get it to tune by shorting the length. You will lose gain unless you shorten radials along with the main element. You should be able to just slide the main "stick" together more. (Which in reality would tend to make it stronger) IMHO
Well just looked over the instructions: This Colinear has a sealed "Phasing Coil" ...Boy just don't know Alexis, and appears to have different Part #s for each G7-144/G7-152 ??? Toss up...Sorry, maybe Email New-Tronics and ask them.
All the Best

Service (new-tronics.com)
Alexis, I would get the G7 144 and use as instructed for 2M. Then to expand its capabilities a bit, use the MFJ 921 VHF Antenna Tuner to reach MURS. This will be about the best you can do with just one of these antennas.
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Alexis: Sorry misunderstood the question.
I would think you can get it to tune by shorting the length. You will lose gain unless you shorten radials along with the main element. You should be able to just slide the main "stick" together more. (Which in reality would tend to make it stronger) IMHO
Well just looked over the instructions: This Colinear has a sealed "Phasing Coil" ...Boy just don't know Alexis, and appears to have different Part #s for each G7-144/G7-152 ??? Toss up...Sorry, maybe Email New-Tronics and ask them.
All the Best

Service (new-tronics.com)

Today I could get it tuned. Like you said, phasing coils probably are different because I tried to tune for MURS by adjusting the length following the instructions of the G7-150-1 measurements. It didn’t work.

By using an antenna analizer and some patience, I could tune it to an SWR of 1.2 on 152.225.

Next thing I am going to do is measure the radials to see if they are the same as the G7-150-1. A friend of mine told me that they are 21 inches long. If mine are longer, I will fabricate them and check if SWR go lower. Here are the SWR measurements:

Frequency. ————- SWR

150.725 ———————1.5
152.225 ———————1.2
154.550 ———————1.5

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