It looks like a creampuff. There's a good chance that its been well cared for. I had mike of refurbish one of my FS 2340's. After sitting for over 27 years it needed to be realigned as the decimal point between the LED readout showed up as soon as I turn the ringer on. Of course that means no received and no transmit. The alignment wasn't expensive at all I would have to look at the receipt to find out but, since he had it there I also had him replace all the capacitors check and replace any tubes that were needed and anything else that he could do to bring the radio back to as close as possible to original operating condition. He did an outstanding job and don't quote me but I believe for the $230 that it cost me was absolutely worth every penny. Out of the two fs 2340's that's my everyday a.m. rig. Good luck and if you're not person with the knowledge 2 do the work on that sonar or any rigor and for that matter don't hesitate to notify Mike at the email address I left. He's a very good person besides being an excellent Tech. If you do know what you're doing and possibly run into a snag just drop him a message and he will return with his phone number. He of course makes his living by repairing all types of rigs transistors and tubes that includes receivers transmitters transceivers so on and so on but, he also doesn't have a problem helping you track down a problem and even telling you how to repair it as long as your knowledge is that which will allow you 2 go ahead and physically do what he suggest. If you decide to bypass the audio limiter you might want to put an on-off switch or just use the an hour switch on the radio. One of my tooth is bypass and the other is totally stopped. If I only had one I would prefer it with the audio clip aboard by past. The one I used as the bypass board and that used in combination with a Demco modulator. Lots of swing and nice BC plate modulated audio with ay astatic d104 on Amplified microphone. Once again good luck my friend it's a great way to go and you're going to have years of enjoyment. Not to mention the great order your reports are going to get. It's nice to hear those two 6bq5 get audiophonic as you modulate. And you will hear them shaking a bit as you modulate.